
Friday, June 22, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + The Day The Salt Lied + PRAYER: Bless Us, Lord, With The Light Of Life!

The People Of God Make A Difference!
They Are The Salt Of The Earth
The Light Of The World
Any Christian Who Misrepresents
The Character Of God
By His Words
His Works, Indeed
IsWorse Than The Unbelievers
Who Willingly Wittingly Willfully
Do The Devil's Dastardly Deeds!

Them's Fighting Words, Man!
You Got Anything To Back Them Up?!

I've Got The Living Word, My Brother!
The Preserved Word Of The Eternal God!

I'm Listening ... Still
So Do Your Do!

Roger That!
Have You Ever Tasted Salt ... That Lied!?!

Can't Say That I Have!
Can't Say That I Want To!

Have You Ever Turned On A Lamp
Or Lit A Candle
Did Not Receive The Expected Light!?!

I've Turned On A Lamp
Expecting Light
And Stayed In Darkness
Because Either The Bulb Was Blown
Or There Was A Loose Connection!

I've Lit A Candle That Promptly Sputtered Out!
It Had A Dead Core!

Tell Them Your Story, Doris!

Yes! What About You, Doris?!

To My Shame
I Paid My Light Bill
But Failed To Mail The Check!

I Had The Necessary Information
And I Did The Preliminary Work
But To My Complete And Utter Shame
I Lacked Follow-Through! 

I Did Not Complete The Transaction
Because My Check Was Not Placed In The Mailbox
And So
I Did Not Get The Sweets
The Benefit Of Cheaply Available Power
Preserving Energy
Glorious Light!

I Had To Wander For A Day In Darkness
Had To Pay A Fine
Was Forced To Wait In Anxiety
Uncalled For And Unnecessary
All Because Of My Personal Folly!

You Just Preached A Sermon And A Half
- Minus A Request For Offering -
You Added The Altar Call!

You Just Made My Eyes Open Wide
And It Made Me Want To Cry
It Is Our Association With Christ
Laid Bare!

That Check-For-Service
 Our Prayer
Which ... Left Unuttered
Will Never Breach
Heaven's High And Holy Atmosphere!

Prayer Left Unsaid
To Communion With Christ Uncommitted
Leaves Us In Outer Darkness
Without Repentance For Sin
From Sinning Turning Away
There Is No Eye Salve
No Balm Of Gilead
No Beulah-Land Efficacious Plaster!

May The Everlasting Father
The Prince Who Gives Heavenly Peace
Pity Us In Our Distress!

Lord, Send Relief! 

Let The Holy Spirit Continue To Speak
And Help Us To Hear
Not Forswear!

I Desire The Singing In Heaven To Personally Hear!

I Desire To See Jesus In Peace!

I Desire To See And Eat Of The Fruit That
The Tree Of Life Bears!

We Must Speak The Word
In Season And Out
Let Our Good Influence Cause
A Listing Backsliding
Seeking-Salvation Brother Sister
Mother Father
Son Daughter
Companion Friend
To Turn To The Life-Giver In Certain Hope
So That They May Experience
True Light
Good Food
Living Water
In The Fullness Of Time
Life Eternal
Life ... Without. End!

Salt Without Savor
Will Be Cast Away!!

Please, Lord, 

Please, Help Our Hearts Mend!
Let Our Salt Keeps Its Savor
So That We May
In Peace
Meet Our Soon Coming Savior
At Time's End!

From Our Hearts
Remove Doubt!
From Our Minds
Remove Fear!
Help Us To Look To The Master
For Our Saving Grace
So That We May Be Kept
Safe And Secure In The Holy Faith
From The Encroaching Disaster!

Pity Us, Lord, Who Pray!
Pity Us Who Look To The Coming Day
Bless Us With The Light Of Life
So That We May Successfully Exit
The Carnal Strife!

Hear Our Hearts' Prayer, Oh, Lord
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
We, Believing
We Love You, Lord!
Have Mercy And Bless!

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