
Monday, June 25, 2018

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, and Bless You For The Blessings!

Heavenly Father,
I Worship You!
That Is My Choice
I Seek No Recourse!

Please Help Me To Do The Just
The Good The Right
Keep Me Quiet In Your Holy Presence
Both Day And Night!

Let Not The Ways Of The Wicked World
Impinge Upon My Consciousness!
Let Not Things Be God To Me
Please Help Me, Lord
To Stay On The The King's Highway
Straight And Narrow
Upward Bound
Known Holy!

I Plead, Lord
For My Brethren
Those Near, Those Far
Those Who Have Sorrow
Those Seeking Him Who Is The Door
Now Standing Ajar!
Grant Unto Them Insight
True And Holy Sight
So That They May Escape The Darkness
By Entering Into The Life-Giving Son-Light!

Remember Also, Lord
Those Who See Not Their Need
Those Who Do Not Yet Recognise Their Need
For Jesus Christ The Lord
Those Who Choose To Live In The Land Of Self
Imbibing At The Hellish Teats Of
Greed And Pridefulness 
Willfulness And Waywardness
Caught Up In The Tangled Cords Of
Self-Justification And Self-Righteousness!

Please Help Them To Find Their Way
To The Known Life-Giver And The Heavenly Home!

As For Me, Dear Lord
Let Not Gainsaying Slay Me! 
Help Me To Truly Hear The Still Small Voice

Avidly Listen To The One In Whom Is Eternal Life!

Please Help Me To Reason Honestly With You
Accept Plain Truth
With Alacrity
Honor Your Sovereignty
Humbly Your Life-Saving
Way-Marking Word Obey!

Please Teach Me!
Lead Me!
Help Me!
Hold Me!
Save Me

Seal Me In Your Love
So That In The Great Day, Father Beloved
I Shall In Sweet Peace
Grateful Joyfulness
Soul Well Satisfied
Behold Thee

Enter The Courts Of The Blessed Above!

I Love You, Lord

Ask These Few Mercies
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!
Thank You And Bless You For The Myriad Blessings

Your Gifts Of Holy Love! 

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