
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Study To Show Thyself Approved!

There Will Not Be A Worldwide Conversion!
All Mankind Will Not Be 
Into The Living Kingdom Of God Saved!
That Is Just Another Gross Lie Of The Devil
So That Man About His Own Soul's Salvation
Will Be Careless
Satan Will Have Each To Be His Personal Slave!

Do You Remember
When We Were In School
And Made A "Foolish Mistake"
And The Teacher Deducted Double Points
Not For The Error
But For
- Of All Things -
"Being Careless!?"

I Sure Do And The Thought Still Stings!

I Firmly Believe That A Similar Situation
- Obviously In A Grander Scale -
Will Play Out For Man!

What On Earth Do You Mean?!

Why Would God "Deducts Points?!"

Think About It:

The Bible Is The Great School Master!
Everything We Need To Know
- To Be Saved -
Is In The Good Book!
If We Neglect The So-Great Salvation
There Is No More Help
For Fallen Man!

... Open The Book ...!

... Seems Pretty Obvious ...!

... Study To SHOW Thyself ...!

... Approved!

Satan Is A Genius
Jesus Christ IS The Holy God!
Satan Is The Greatest Liar Of All Time
Jesus Christ Made And Controls Time!

The Question At The Crux Of The Matter Is Still This:

Why Would God Debit Our Account
For Double Or Any Points?!

Simple, I Will Say:
He Gave You, Me
All Of Us
A Teacher's Copy Of The Course Material! 

He Walked Through The Course Himself
Leaving His Results As Crib Notes!
He Sent Adept Tutors To Run Scenarios With You!
He Provides Guides To Influence And Protect
As You Walk Wait Work And In His Truth

He Even Gave You The Answers To All The Exam Questions!
He Even Showed You Your Graduation Gown
Your Graduation Gift:
  • Immortality
  • A Universe Tour
  • A Triumphal Entry Into The Eternal City
  • A Banquet With The Great King Serving
  • A New Name
  • A Gold Harp
  • A Gold Crown
  • A Personal Mansion
  • Fruit From The Tree Of Life
  • Water From The River Of Water Of Life
  • Eternal Life With Christ
  • Personal Transport With Wings Of Eagles
  • Universal Lecture Tour
  • Land On The Earth Made New
  • Peace
  • Rest
  • No More Death 
  • No More Sorrow
  • No More Tears
And I Quote:

Hope Turned Into Sight

The Saved Soul's Delight!

This IS Truly Overwhelming!

With Christ As Leader
Man Cannot Fail!

Only A Fool Will Say That
There Is No God!

Satan Is A Fool
Besides Being Really Vilely Wicked!
He Raises Up Himself As God!

Do You Realize That 
Satan Could Only Tempt Eve 
When She Was In Close Proximity
To The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil?!

Where Did That Thought Come From?!

Think About It:
As Long As We Stay Close To Christ
The Tree Of Life
Away From The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil
- Sin -
Satan Can't Have Pins With Us!
He Is Powerless!

We Are Safe In Christ
Even If We Die Because Of Sinful Men
Powered By Satanic Fury!

When You Read
The Script
The Good Book
Cover To Cover

Know Your Writer

Your Lines

Have Prepared For A Particular Outcome

Are Dressed For The Part

Perform As Specified
By Following All The Marked Cues
The Desired Outcome 

Life With Christ
With Christ As Lead
Lets A Repentant Sinner Live
Doing The Will Of Him
Who Is Lord God
Life And Light
Friend To Man
In Word Thought And Deed!

Soooo ...

We're Back To The Place Of Beginning!

The Bottom Line ...

Because Of The Lack Of Working Faith
Refusal To Conduct Due Diligence
Get Damned!

Carelessness Is The Curse!
Soul Salvation Sees The Curse Reversed!


Failing An Open-Book Exam
Most Shameful!
Please Do Not Fall For
The Satanic "It Does Not Matter!" Scam!

Study The Good Book
Make Jesus Christ
Your Soul's Sole Portion!
Heaven Awaits The Faithful!

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