
Friday, July 27, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + Soul Food!?! + PRAYER: Help Me, Lord, To Do Better!

Thoughtless Words
Harsh Words
Foolish Words
Careless Utterance
Bitter Remonstrance
All Speak To What You Are Your Soul Feeding
Be It By Reading
Thinking Or Cherishing!

Words Spoken
Tell The Hearers
What It Is That You Are Really Eating!

I Know What You Mean
Because Recently
I Butt Up On Myself
And It Was Gravel In My Mouth!
There Had Not Been Any Good Eating!

Tasting Your Own Words!
How Did You Like Them Apples!?!

I Didn't 
And Neither Did The One On The Receiving End!

Did You Forget?!

Man, I Didn't Take Time To Remember!
I Said: ABC!
Carly Said: 123
And, I
- In High Dungeon -
Handed Her The Rest Of The Alphabet
In Color
In Stereo
In Rage
In Disrespect
In Folly
And, Now
I Stand Before You Chastened
Having Walked Around In ... Shame!

That Must Have Been
One Seriously Negative Feeding Frenzy
You Must Have Been On
To Unload On Her Like That!

It Sure Was!

It Was A Dark Lord Special Delight ...

I Had Feasted On:

Bran Bread Of Bitterness
Butter From The Bilge Water Of Bile
Pickles Of Pettiness
Putrid Patty Of Imagined Penury
Tomatoes Of Toasted-Temperance
Lawless Lettuce
Pity-Me Potatoes
Apple Pie Of Avarice
And Ice Cream Of Indignation

So What Was Your Chaser?!

I Had Me A Long Glass Of Mauby Of Malice And Malignity
Over Cracked Ice
And A Liberal Spash Of Icy Disdain!

Lord A'mighty!
You Must Have Been Born In A Barn!

If You'd Been Born In A Stable
You Would've Known Better
And Done Better ...!

... And She Would Have Remembered That
A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath
And Recognized That Silence Is Golden!

By Their Fruit ...

Lacy, This Is Serious!
How Could You
A Practicing Christian
Fall Into That Cess Pit!?!

I Didn't Fall In!
I Boldly Walked In!

You'd Better Explain That Statement!

All I'm Saying Is
You Speak What You Eat!

So You're Saying That You Really Did That Deed
With Unadulterated Malice!?!

Of Course!
I Was Just Waiting For An Excuse!
Any Excuse!

Let Me Get This Straight:
You Fed You Soul Crap
So That You Could Deliver Incredible Excrement!?!

Since You Put It Like That, Yes!
And I Feel So Dirty!

You Should!
What You Did Was Deliberately Sinful!

Don't Forget Presumptuous!

Please Add On Cruel And Unkind!

Hateful Is My Description, Oh, Friend Of Mine!

Exceedingly Foolish Is My Take!
You've Been Unwisely Encouraging The Known Fake!
Don't You Know That Much Is At Stake!
Don't Your Realize That
With Your Cherishing That Foul Attitude
You Will Not Your Residence
In New Jerusalem Make!?!

I Know! I Know!

Big Question ...

Where Is The Repentance For That Debacle!?!

Believe Me! It's Here!
I've Been Tasting It!
Hence The Gravel In My Mouth!

I Had To Repent Twice!
Once To My Heavenly Father
And Once To My Dear Friend!

Was It Worth The Cost!?!

That's An Emphatic "No!"

I Sincerely Pray That You Change Your Diet!

Changed And Changing
I Am Now Seriously Concerned
About My ...!

... Unfavorable Influence ...!

... Upon Others!

Let This Be A Lesson
To All Of Us Who Here Hear
That Words Have Life
When They Are Weaponized
They Inveigle Us In The Great Controversy's Strife!

We Can Worship The Devil!
We Can Worship The Lord!
There Is The Difference Which Comes
From The Utterance Of The Singularly False Word!
People See!
People Hear!
People Understand Your Intent
Your Unwise Words
Can Send Them To The Wrong Camp
The Camp Of The Enemy
The Enemy Of Souls
Who Has For His Life's Work
The Damnation Of Your Already Bought
Purchased-From-Death Soul!

What A Hellish Goal!

Keep Away From His Fold!

If We Live And Work And Love
As The Good Master Told
We ... None Of Us
Won't Work For That Gross Nave
Beelzebub The Bold!

On This Truth, I'm Sold!


Heavenly Father,

God Of Mercy
Grace And Love
Forgive Me My Trespass
For Not Speaking
From A Heart Operating Under The Influence
Jesus Christ's Pure And Holy Love!

I Spoke A Harsh Word

A Word Not Kind
A Word Not Fit 
For The Faithful
In So Doing
I Misrepresented You
The God Almighty
Holy, Wise, Divine!

Help Me, Lord

To Do Better
To Live As One Wise And True
Please Help Me
To Live For And As My Jesus Did
It Is My Heart's Desire
With You
In New Jerusalem To Live!

Hear My Prayer, Lord 

Bless Me To Do Your Will
Blessing Me So That I May Be A Blessing
To The Family Of The Living God!

I Ask These Mercies
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name! 
I Love You, Lord!
Please Come Soon!

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