
Saturday, July 7, 2018

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Priests ... Robbing The Pot And God's People!?!

Jesus Christ Was No Super Star!
He Is The Savior Of Man!
He Was Born Where Animals Lived
His Bed Was That From Which Animals Were Fed
Those Who Are His Priests Today
Are Rich In Earthly Goods
They Are Selfish
Decidedly Profane!
Where Is The Garden-Variety Shame?!

Jesus Christ Came To Serve!
They Desire To Be Served!

Jesus Christ Offers Man Eternal Riches!
They Acquire From The Poor Man Earthly Riches!

Jesus Christ Blesses The People!
They Desire By The People To Be Blessed!

Jesus Christ Desires To Save Man!
They Desire The Savings Of Man!

Their Way Is Counter To The Cross!
Theirs Is A Life That Will See Them Soon Lost!
They Are Priests Popular
With Reach Grasp And Hold
Unfortunately For Them
For Earthly Gains
They Have The Kingdom Of God Sold
By Surrendering To Sin
Delivering Up To Damnation
Their Very Own Souls!
Where, Brethren, Is The Win?!

Misery Likes Company
Bitterness Likewise
All These Profane Priests
Always Have Working Alibis:

  • The Devil Made Them Do It
  • There Be Soul-Ties
  • Cross-Carrying Is Too Heavy And Too Inconvenient


  • They Are Just Weak Men Who Fall For Convenient Lies

What Is The Truth ...?!

Serving Their Lusts
Out Of The Offerings Of God
As Though They Are Serving Dunghill Deities
How Many Priests And Pastors
Are In Apparent Prosperity Standing
Before The Church Of God Today!

That Is A Profanity?!

They're Running With The Fraud!

Do These Workers For Almighty God
Not Remember High Priest Eli's Sons?!

Don't They Believe The Living Word Of The Eternal God?!

Are They Not Afraid
Of The Judgment For Sin Prepared?!

Are They Of Damnation Not Scared?!

Would That Those Serving
The Living God
Remember The Prophet-Judge Samuel
Live Like Him
In Order To Receive 
The Faithful Man Of God's Reward
By Walking And Working
To The Call That They Have Received
Stop Living Like The Very Devil
The People Of God To Deceive!

Almighty God Is Not Mocked!

Almighty God
Is Neither Deaf Dumb Nor Blind
Nor Is He Surprised
When The So-Called People Of Faith
Do Things Seriously Asinine!

Working For The Lord
Gives No Churchman
A Free Pass
Nor Does It Give The Offense
A Little Touch Of Class!

Sin Is Sin: There's No Fit Excuse!
Sin Defiles The Doer
It Is Made Worse
When The Things Given
The Things Dedicated 
To The Living God
Are Maliciously Abused
To Profit The Slow Belly
The Belly Of The Dog
Who Is Never Satisfied
Who Is Never Contented
Who Is Always Wanting Just A Little Bit More
To Get It
Behaves Like A High-Horse 
Like A Boar Hog!

This Behavior
When A Man Sets Up His Throne
Above That Of The Creator God
In Whom We Have Life
Our Very Beings
Get Our Daily Bread
Without Whom
- It Is Certain -
No Flesh Would Be Fed
All Now Living Would Be Then, Well

Please Do Not Put Your Flesh Hook
Into The Pot
Until After The Living God Has Had His Share
It Is Advisable
That You Do Not
Encourage Wrongdoing
By Showing Laymen
That You Do Hold God In Godly Fear
The Holy Watchers Are Always Watching
Their Ink-Horns Of Ink
Never Run Out
They Don't Get Writer's Cramp
Nor Writer's Block
Their Eye-Glass Edition
Is One That Will Never Come Out!

I Charge You ...

Look To Your Own Soul!
Good Trees Bear Good Fruit!
Look To Your Own Souls!
Don't Be A Hophni Phineas Judas
Ever-Hungry For Easy-Earned Loot!

Be Contented 
With What Almighty God Has Provided!
Do Not Let Greed Offer You
That Which Is Cursed Gain
Do Not Tear Down The People Of God
Because You
- A Son Of Belial -
Have Not Common Decency
Nor Even Plain Shame!


All Men Are The Creation Of God
Not All Men Are The Children Of God!

Be Very Careful Who You Follow!
Be Very Careful Of Those Whose Company You Keep!
Be Very Careful To Take Your Cues From The Good Book!
Be Very Careful Whose Bank Balance It Is At Which You Want A Look!


Neither Beauty
No Fame
Make A Man
- In The Eyes Of Christ Jesus -
Truly Rich!

All That Glitters Is Not Gold!
All That Is Purchased Is Not Necessarily What Should Be Sold!
All That You Long For May Not Turn Out To Be Sweet!
The Very Thing That You Despise 
What May Lift You Up From Off Your Knees
Your Soul In Righteousness Keep!

Jesus Christ Saves!
He Gave His Life For All Mankind!
Jesus Christ Saves!
He Did Not Promise Earthly Treasure
To Any Man!
Jesus Christ Saves!
He Asks Us To Take Hold Of The Holy Hand!
Jesus Christ Saves!
He Promises The Enduring-All Believer
Perfect Peace And Rest
A Prepared Mansion
In. Beulah. Land!

I Beseech You ...

For Jesus Christ Alone
Take Your Stand
He, It Is
For Your Sin
- By Personal Sacrifice -
Did Atone!

Walk Right
On The Straight And Narrow Way
To The Living Kingdom
Even If You Walk Alone
He Who Promised Is Faithful
He Is Waiting
To Welcome You To The Everlasting Home!

Sharpen Your Powers Of Discernment!
Walk Through The Living Word
For The Safety Of Your Own Soul
A Fine Tooth Comb!

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