
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

I'm Thinking ...! + PRAYER: Lord, Please Keep Me Faithful ... Until Death!

Foolishness Ain't Sense
Scratch Grain Can't Pay House Rent!

An Insensitive Popsicle Is Still Cold
Stupidity Makes An Ignorant Man Bold!

Whether In Tangled Brush, Tall Bush Or Open Grass
The Church, The House Or The Work Place
A Fall From Grace
Makes Satan At Jesus Christ Rudely Laugh!

Think About This ...

What Is The Goal?!

Salt On Slug Back?
He Can Slime Out Of It!
Salt on Slug Path?
He Done Gone Belly Up!
The Intent Of Your Aim
What Truly Matters!

Is The Goal, Heaven?!
Is The Goal, Hell?!

Walking Right On The Wrong Side!?
What Is The Point Of That?
Get Out Of The Wrong
Walk Right In The Right Light!
To Jesus Christ
Strive To Be A Delight!

Home Truths ...

Heed The Shepherd's Call!
Just Because The Building Has A Steeple
Does Not Make Its Congregants 
The Living God's Holy People!
Jesus Christ Leads Willingly Obedient Sheep
Who Know And Recognize Their Need!

Truth Cannot Turn Corners!
Truth Is A Straight Line!

A Lie Is A Lie Is A Lie!
A Lie Is A Side-Winder!
It Can Go Any-Which-Way!

Light Does Not Have A Shadow!
Out Of Darkness
Into Light
The Command Of The Good Lord
If We Will Sin Honestly Fight!

The End Always Comes ...

Live Each Day As Though It is Our Last
Tomorrow Is Not Promised!
All We Have Is Today
Let Today Be The Totality Of Our Mission
For We Know Not If Tomorrow
The Benediction Will Be Said Over Our Head!
Brethren, We Could All Be Dead!

If We Are Honest
We Will Speak Truth In


Forgive Me My Sin!
I Will Be Honest!
Yesterday, I Knew What I Was Doing!
I Did Not Seek To Know
What Followed Life's Equal Sign
I Just Thought ...
Life Is Just For Living!

But, Lord ... Today!
Thank You For Today!
I See The Error Of My Old Ways!
I Know It Is You That I Have Offended!
I Take Full Responsibility For My Walk
I, Repentant
Fall On Your Mercy!

Lord, I Acted Really Stupid!
I Am Sorry!
Forgive Me!
Help Me To Walk Right!
Help Me Not To Look Around!
Help Me Not To Look Back
To Look Up To My Lord
The Author
The Finisher Of My Now Faith
Help Me To Reach For The Mark
Of The High Calling
To Soul Salvation
Leaving The Dross Of The World Behind
No Matter Who For More Fun
Is Loudly, Loudly, Bawling And Calling!

Jesus Christ Is My Shepherd
With Him Leading Me
I Know I Shall Never Want!
Thank You, Lord
For The Grace
I Bless You For The Faith!

Keep Me Faithful Unto Death
My Heart's Earnest Plea
I Ask Humbly
Unmerited Favor
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!
Grant Me The Victory
Over Sin, Death, The Grave
I Love You
I Sincerely Desire To Do As You Will!

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