
Monday, August 20, 2018

Psalm 119:165

True Peace Is Married To Grace O'God!
- When Invited -
They Live In The Heart Of Man
By So Doing
They Drive Out Evil Passions
Which Are Notorious For Causing
Dissention And ...!

... Strife!?!

Dissention And Strife
Are Nothing But Bad Seed
As You Must Well Know
You Cannot
You Will Not
Get A Good Crop
A Good Harvest
From Bad Seed!

I Am Remembering Computer Class!
It Was Hammered Into Our Heads:
Aka Garbage In, Garbage Out!!

That, Brethren
Should Be The Prime Warning For 
The Sojourning Christian!
You Are What You Eat!
What You Eat Is What You Speak!

... Out Of The Treasure Of The Heart
The Mouth Speaks ...!

... Some Of Your Mouths Need To Washed Out
Because You Are Just Not Right!
How Do You Say 

"Jesus Is The Joy Of Living!"

Then Proceed To Blister Your Brethren
Over A Parking Space
A Seat At The Head Table For Dinner
A Position In Church Office!?!

I Ask Us All To Consider This:

Is Tomorrow Promised To You, Specifically
Just Because You Liberally "Throw About" 
The Only Good Name 
To Impress Onlookers And Followers!?!

If The Lord Were To Demand Your Soul
- And I Include Myself -
Right Now
Would You
Would I
On The Day Of The Appearing
See The King In Peace!?!

Does Your Present Character 
Stand Up Under The Magnifying Glass Of 
Him Who Judges All Flesh!?!

Is The Immutable
That Is
The Unchangeable Law Of God
Your Guide To Get You Through This Life
While Preparing You For
The World To Come!?!

Does Jesus Christ Own You!?!
Do You Own Jesus Christ As Your Own!?!

Brethren, Beloved
I Challenge Us All
To Stop Picking Apart The Bible 
Looking For Those Things With Which We Agree
The "Good Bits" That Entertain Us
The Bits Which We Believe
Give Us The Right To Say:

"Sih Meh Hey!
I Ain't So Bad After All!"

Stop Living Life To Be Pleasured And Satisfied!
Stop Eating To Be Made Drunk!
Stop Using Will And Choice To Walk Wildly
Live Wastefully
Ultimately Die The Death Of The Soul Lonely
Condemned And ...!

... Forever Lost!

This Life Is Not About Us Being Made Rich And Fat!
Being Prosperously Putrid In The Sight Of God
Is Not What We Are Called To Become!

We Are Called ...

... To Be Servants Of The Living God
Ready To Do His Bidding
Willing To Be Used ...!

... And Don't Forget That
We Are To Use Our Time
To Get Clean And Right With Almighty God
As We Permit The Holy Spirit Of Truth
To Do A Good Work In Us!

The Promise Is Given ...

Trust God: He Cares!
Bless God: He Gives!
Love God: For Your Soul He Dearly Paid!
Have Faith In Jesus Christ The Lord
For, As It Is Written
Trials And Tests May Come


It Must Be Understood And Accepted That


Take Stock Of Yourselves!
Time Is Short
Eternity Lasts Forever!
The Decision To Live In Time
Prosper In Eternity 
Remains Solely Yours!
Choose Wisely!


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