
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Great Expectation!

I Used To Hear My Granny Use An Expression
That I Thought Truly Amazing!
She Said:

I Shall Expect You

When I See You!

Bottom Line ...

The Appearing Will Not Cause Her Heart
To Start Phasing!

If One Is Expected
Whenever They Show Up
It Means
- It Must Mean -
That Someone Is Looking For
Looking Forward To
Always Prepared For
The Coming Person's Appearance
Their Appearance
- In The Unlikely Hour -
Will Never Put The Host
The Hostess
Into A Tizzy Of Horror!

I Know Where You're Going With That!

Where Am I Going, Pray Tell?!

You Are Desirous
That We Should Ever Be
In Expectation Of Our Coming King
Washed And Ready
And Ready To Commence The Joyous Singing
And Singing With Hearts Happy
- Which Happiness Knows No Bounds -
Because We
- Almighty God's Children Faithful -
Trusted The Living Word
Did Not Depart Unto Decked-Out Fables!

Point ... Made!


Now Hear This ...

Children Of The Promise
Those Who Walk And Talk With God
Can Read The Signs Of The Times
Even As They Are Actively Aware Of 
The Weatherman's Chimes!

We Are As The Wise Virgins
Even Though They Had Fallen Asleep
- Just As Had The Foolish -
Had Thought Ahead
Had Planned Ahead
Had Prepared Ahead
Had Oil In Reserve
So That Failing Light
- At The Midnight Cry -
Could Be Brightened
To Give The Bridegroom Clean And Clear Sight!

That's A Serious Matter!

That's A Serious Matter, Indeed!

Putting The Ducks In A Straight Row ...

In All Areas Of Endeavor
Preparation Is Key
All Who Will See Jesus Christ In Peace
Will Have Paid
The Always-Prepared Man's Fee!

Get To Studying, Brethren
Study To Show Thyself Approved!

Meeting The Peace Giver ...

Only Those Who Are Looking For Jesus
Will See
Jesus Christ In Peace
Only Those Who Love Him
Desire His Appearing
Will Expect Him
That Without Fearing!

"I Will Expect You When I See You!"
Can Be Construed Another Way
That Does Not Serve Our Purpose
We Choose To Believe
That Jesus Is Going To Be Here
Any Day Now!

And How!

He Is Coming
Coming Soon, I Know
To Take His Children To The Land Of Light
Us ... Weary Pilgrims
Believing That Jesus Christ Saves
Shall Not
Fail Of Achieving Salvation
When The Lord Comes
On That Glorious Day!

The King Is Coming!
Are You Washed
Waiting Ready!?!

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