
Friday, September 14, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + Jesus Christ Paid It All + PRAYER: Help Us, Lord, To Walk In The Light Of Life!

If Christians Were To Forsake Sin
With The Same Level Of  Determination That
The Unsaved Seek After Position
Popularity And Financial Gain
There Would Be Many More Regenerated Souls
For The Lord Jesus
To Take Into The Safe Sheep Fold!

I Know What You Mean!
I Just Saw Some Young Folk
Who Were Seriously Determined
To Make Themselves Musical Successes
And What I Saw That They Were Willing To Do
To Put Themselves Through
Made Me Wonder
What More Can Jesus Christ
For Fallen Man Do!

Jesus Christ Paid It All!
We Do Not Have To Turn Cart Wheels!
The Way Is Made Plain!
All That Is Required Is That
We Reject Sin
To Almighty God's Heaven Stake Our Claim
Refuse The Name Of Jesus Christ To Profane!

Obedience Is Necessary!

True Worship Is Necessary!

Self Must Be Set Aside!
All Who In Jesus Christ's Faith
Faithfully Abide
Will To The Happy Home
In The Fullness Of Time
With All The Redeemed Saints
And The Angels
In The Gospel Train Fly!

Sacrifice Is Necessary!

Total Devotion Is Necessary!

Attention To Every Detail 
Marks The Straight And Narrow Way
Total Trust In The Risen Lord
Walking In Truth With Him
- In Full Accord -
Will See Each And Every Saved Soul
Living In Sweet Peace
With Our Savior, Lord And God!

Self Is A Problem
For Those Who Love The World!

Denying Sin Is A Problem
For Those Who Love Sin's "Rewards!"

But ...

Those Who Fall On Jesus Christ
The Rock Of Ages To Be Broken
Made New
Will Not Have The Rock Fall On Them
Their Lives Blotted Out!


Pity, Lord
The Man Who Loves The World
More Than Soul Salvation!
Pity, Lord
The Child Hurting Who Is Looking For The Straight Way!
Pity, Lord
The Mother Who Has To Decide Between
Food And Shelter
The Salvation Of Her Purchased Soul
Please Open All Of Our Eyes
So That We May Truly See
That Soul Salvation
Food And Shelter
Peace And Rest
Hope And Glory
Faith And Grace
Mercy And Forgiveness
Leading And Direction
True Blessings For Accepting Truth
Real Curses For Denying Light
All Come From You
Who Has Made The Way Perfect
For All Who Will
Come Out Of The Darkness Of Known Sin
Into The Light Of Life
Who Will Our Riven Souls Make Right!

Teach Us To Love You
To Reach For Your Extended Hand!
Teach Us To Follow You
Not Run After Those Things
That Will Never Satisfy Fallen Man!
Teach Us To Be Patient
To Accept Truth
The "Thus Saith The Lord!"
Help Us Not To Gamble With Soul Salvation
Because We Want Idol Status Elevation
Compliments Of Sin's Entangling Cords!

Please Unstop Our Itching Ears!
Please Clean Our Filthy Tongues!
Please Clothe Us In Garments Of Righteous White
In The Fullness Of Time
Crown Us All
Who Unswervingly Trust Only In
Jesus Christ The Coming King
With Crowns Of Purest Gold
That Will See Us Ultimately
On Heaven's Golden Streets
With Glad Hearts
Triumphantly Walking!

Please Hear Our Earnest Prayer
Uttered From Unfeigned Lips
Please Do For Us What Only 
The Living Holy Eternal God Can Do
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
We Humbly Pray!
We Love You, Lord!
Have Mercy And Bless!

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