
Friday, September 21, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + What Holy God!?!

... I Don't Have To Get In A Slinging Match With You!

I Am Not Getting In Any Match With You
I Will Say This:

Flesh! Be Not Proud
For You Are As The Grass
All That You Glory In
Is A The Flower On That Grass!

I Warn You:  The Burning Heat Of The Sun Is Coming!

Who Are YOU To Warn ME?!
Do You Know Who I AM?!

Yes, I Know Who You Are
I Am Not Impressed
I Know What You Do
I Feel Great Sympathy
No! Great Pity For You
I Pray The Living God Will Have Mercy On Your Soul!

Sympathy For Me!?!
You Must Be Mad!
I Don't Need Your "Living" God
And I Have No Need Of His Mercy!

The Lord Rebuke You!


Man ... A Mere Man
A Creature Created
Unable To Sustain His Own Body
By The Dint Of His Own Will
Declares That
Has No Need Of His Own Creator
The Sustainer Of His Daily-Dying Body
The Preserver Of His Own Soul
The God Who Could Destroy His Body
His Very Soul In ... Hell!

How Did We Get Here
Where A Mere Man
With The Arrogant Assurance Of Ignorance
Says To His Soul
To Those Impressed By His Eminence:

I Believe In God
And I Believe In Me: Same Person!

It Takes A Truly Confident
Or A Truly Ignorant 
Even Demon-Indwelt Individual
To Call Himself God!

May The Living God Forgive Us Our Daily Follies
As We Walk Through Life Looking For Jollies
Refusing To Believe
That The Time Clock Is Running Down
Treating Our Maker
Our Only Savior
Like He Is A White Boot
Red Nose
Circus Clown
Just To Curry Popular Favor!

The Next Question Asked Was:

What Did Your God Ever Do For Me?!

In Answer ...

If You Will, Let Me Show You:

The Almighty God Has Provided To You
LIFE Health
FOOD Shelter
FEET Eyesight
EARS Speech
Blessing Of Rest
Suffered Death For You On Hill Calvary
Purchased Your Redemption With His Own Blood
Calling You To Salvation
Building You A Kingdom Mansion IF You Claim It
Fashioning You A Gold Crown IF You Ask For It
Interceding For You With The Father IF You Desire It
Provides You  With The Comfort Of His Holy Spirit IF You Request It
24/7 Recording Angel 
Grant Of Eternal Life IF You Want It
Escape From The Fiery Indignation IF You Claim It
Flights To Worlds Unknown

Back Up Just A Smidge!
Gold Crown ...?! 

Careful Now!
Your Greed Is Showing ...! 

... Recording Angel?! 
Eternal Life?! 

Yes! Eternal Life
Aka Everlasting Life
Life Without End
Eternal Bliss
Eternal Youth! 

I Could Use Some Eternal Youth
Right About Now!

Let's Not Forget That
The Recording Angel Records
Every Single Solitary Iota
That We Do - Good Or Bad -
Every Single Moment Of Every Single Day
No Vacation! 

Oh, Dear!! 


There Is No "Some" Eternal Youth!
This Is An All Or Nothing Proposition!

Oh ...! Okay!! 

Do You Still Want To Believe That
You Have No Need For Almighty God?! 

Wellll ... Based On The Preponderance Of
The Provided Evidence Now On The Record
I Reserve Unto Myself
The Right
Even The Privilege 
To Have A Change Of Position
Away From That Of The Gross Illuminated!

What Did He Just Say?!

He Has Had A Change Of Heart
He Has Changed His Mind?!

So Why Didn't He Just Say So!

Face Saving Measure! 
He Is Still Proud ...! 

... But Jesus Will Do A Good Work In Him! 

Open Our Eyes, Lord
Help Us To See Jesus Christ As He Is
Bless Us With Holy Wisdom
So That We May Humble Ourselves
Before You
Cast Away Every Idol
Choose Life Everlasting
In The Eternal City!!


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