
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Spiritually Benumbed!?!

Self Gratified
Pride Indulged
Belong To The Grand Clan
Spiritually Benumbed
They Are Proud Of It
Thank You Very Much!

These Two Ingrates
See No Reason To Deny Themselves ... Anything!
They See No Reason To Hold Their Tongues About ... Anything
They See No Reason Why They Should Be Deprived Of ... Anything
Since Their Greedy Souls Desire ... Everything!

The Desires Of Their Cold Hearts Were
Ridiculous ... Beyond Measure
They Honestly Feel
- They Are Into Feelings -
That The Earth Is Their Oyster
With Pretty Pearls To Be Greedily Plucked!

When It Comes To Giving Alms
They Become As Buttoned-Down Clams!
Their Attitudes Stink
They Do Not Care Who Disagree With Them
Because Their Opinions Are The Only Opinions That Matter!

Believe Or Not ...

They Consider Themselves To Be Just Like
Christian Devout
Who Leans, Leannnnns On
Jesus Christ The Lord
Seeks To Ease The Burdens Of
Those Less Fortunate Than Himself!

They Couldn't Have Been More Wrong!

What Little Christian Devout Has
He Shares
Because Of His Meek Kind Gentle
Giving Spirit
He Is A Contented Soul Who Lacks Nothing! 

He Was Contented In Christ
Like The Apostle Paul
Happily Said:

I Know To Abase
And I Know How To Abound!
With Little Or Much
I Am Content
For Jesus Christ My Lord
Wears Heaven's Crown
And To Him, My Heart Belongs! 

You Will Often Hear Him Singing
A Happy Zion Song!

He Has Not Big House!
He Has No Fancy Car!
He Has The Love Of His Lord Jesus
That Love Will See Him ... One Day
Ranging Among The Stars
BecauseHe Willingly Walked To And Through The Door
Which Is Presently Open To All Men
Is Still Now, Actually Ajar!

Those Other Two Believe
That Life Revolves Around Them
They Desire The Homage Of
Their Poor And Fellow Men! 

They Will Not Have A Good End!

Humble Yourselves
Under The Mighty Hand Of God
And He Will Lift You Up!
Grossly, Roundly, Offends Their Black And Cold Hearts!

Give And It Will Come Back To You!
Causes Them To Break Out In Hives!

Love Your Brother As You Love Yourself!
Causes Them To Utter:

Lies! Lies! It Is A Lie!

They, In Their Haughty Ways
Do The God Of Heaven
Blithely Deny!

They See No Coming Glory
They Do Not Believe That Christ Jesus
Will Break The Eastern Sky!

They Believe In
"Eat Drink And Be Merry
For Tomorrow Ye Die!"
They Intend To Go Out In A Blaze Of Glory!

They Are Not Wrong!

The King Is Coming!
Are You Washed and Ready!?!
The King Is Coming!
Are Your Sins Confessed
Or Are You Living In Sin, Drunk
Doing Things High-Minded And Heady!?!

Almighty God Is Not Mocked 
Satan Desires The Lake Of Fire
With His Minions To Be Stocked!
Will You Be One Of Them
Or Do You Have Jesus Christ
In Your Heart Locked!?! 

The King 
Are You In The Lost Goat Herd
Or In The Safe Sheep Flock!
Is Heaven Your Home
Or Is The Lake Of Fire To Be
Your Final Dock!?!

Only You Can Give The Answer!
Only You Know
Your Plan Is For Heaven
Or For The Lost-Man Lake Of Disaster!

Sin Is Cancer! 
Jesus Christ Is Cure! 
Come To Him Today! 
Healing Is Sure! 
Walk To Him Now ... Quickly! 
He Is The Open Door!

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