
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Toothless-Lion Language

Hearing The Unvarnished Truth Of
The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
Should Never Cause A Regenerated Christian
At His Brethren
With Impolite Language To Swear
If Such Should Be The Response
To The Cutting Truth
One Must Need Honestly Revisit His Doctrine
To See Where The Joining Screw Has Come Loose!

The Word Of God Will Stand Up To Scrutiny!
The Carnal Doctrine Of Fallen Man Will Not
All Those Who Choose 
The Perfidious Doctrine Of Man
Over The Plain Truth Of The Son Of God
The Savior Of Man
Will Indeed Experience
Damnation's Fiery Blot!

Aren't You Being A Bit Melodramatic!?!

No, I Am Not!
The Word Of God Is Powerful 
And Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword
And The One Who Resists That Word
That Separates Truth From Error
And Can Discern The Thoughts
And Intents Of Man's Deceitful Heart
The Man Wickedly Willful
Who Chooses Self Over Salvation
And Who Sits As God On Almighty God's Throne
Saying To His Own Creator:
"I Have And Shall
For My Own Sins Atone!"

Nobody Could Possibly Be That Ignorant!

The Own-Sin Self-Payer 
Is As The Lawyer Who Defends Himself!

Wait Up! What Does That Mean!

It Means That The Lawyer Who Has Himself For A Client
Is A Fool
And Own-Sin Self-Pay Renders The Person 
Surely Damned!

However You Slice It
Both Persons Will Be Destroyed
Because, As Usual
Pride ... Goes  Before D

No One Will Be Vindicated Before The Lord
With Pride Still Resident In Their Heart!

Pride Started Lucifer's Fall
Pride Is At The Root Of Man's Every Sin!

Cherished Pride In The Sinner
Will Never Open The Door Of The Heart
To Let The Lowly Jesus Enter In!

Let Me Paint A Picture ...

Pride Is Like A Plump Sausage Wearing High Heels
Sporting Dark Glasses
Clothed In Skin-Tight Leather Pants
With Vanity's Nail-Studded Broad Belt 
Tightly Cinched At The Waist
Desperately Needing To Sit And Rest
Vainly Refusing To Give Up Outward Appearance
For Inward Comfort
Surrender To Obvious Truth
Marks One ... Publicly
As A Roaring Lion
A Plush Brushed Kitty!

I'd Rather Be A Kitty In The Kingdom
Than A Condemned Toothless Lion Outside The Wall!

Indeed, And AMEN!

Denying The Power Of God
Disregarding The Efficacy Of His Word
Deliberately Casting Truth Down
In The Street
Undeniably Says Plainly
That That Person
A Proud Member Of
The Damned Goat Herd!

A Docile Sheep Am I!
I Look Forward To Flying Through The Sky!
My Lord Is Master Of The Wind
And It Is His Direction That I Am Taking
For I Desire Residence In Beulah Land
With My Forever Friend!

Preach, Brother! Preach!
The Word You Uttered Ain't Faking!

Let Us Be Wise Unto Salvation
The Lord God Almighty
In The Word Of Truth
Has Asked Us, Each And Every One
To Work Our Own Soul's Salvation
With Fear And Trembling!

When You Fear The Lord
Tremble At His Mighty Power
You Will Never Bow Before Idols
Give In To Satan
And His Known Unholy Ways
At His Raging Lion Routine
Ever Cower!

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