
Thursday, September 27, 2018


Arrogant Self
Aka Aggressive Self
Aka Obnoxious Self
Aka Proud Self
Aka Child Of Satan
Preventing Known Sinful Man
Humbling Himself Under The Mighty Hand
The Eternal God
And From
Receiving Free Salvation
As Offered By
Our Lord
Only Savior
Jesus Christ
The Lamb Of God
The Creator
The Savior
The Redeemer Of Mankind!

Last Known Location:Northeast Corner Of Me Myself & I

Last Seen Wearing:A Proud Look And Displaying A Haughty Persona

Known For:Agitating Fallen Man To Exercise Aggressive And Unfounded Autonomy Over His Body, Soul And Spirit, And To Sin Against The Creator God In Whom He Lives And Has Any Being

Known Accomplices:Lust Odee Eye
Pride O'Life
Fleshly Lust
Faint Praise And
The Master-Blaster, Vainglory

Arrogant Self Frequents The Establishments Owned And Operated By Wannabe God, Satan The Bold, A Known And Convicted And Condemned Killer, The Father Of Lies, The Accuser Of Christ's Brethren, And The Leader Of The Lost-Goat Herd, Who Is Roaring Viciously And Bitterly As He Awaits The Final Conflict Aka Armageddon!

The General Public Is Asked To Please Exercise All Caution If You Should Come Into Close Contact With Arrogant And Aggressive Self As He (She) Is Well Known To Grab The Unwary In A Seeming Death-Grip And Will Not Let Go Unless Forced To Do So!

Arrogant Self Is Erudite, A Linguist, An Able Orator, And An Amicable False Friend Who Promises What Is Impossible Deliver!

Under No Circumstances Should You Permit Your Soul To Listen To Arrogant Self's Known Hypnotic Siren-Song Because - For A Seemingly "Innocent Song" - It Has Numerous And Vicious Tentacles Which Refuse To Be Denied!

Arrogant Self Is Known To Be Fearless! 

Arrogant Self Is Documented To Be Wild!

Arrogant Self Is On The Record - By The Word Of Many A Fallen Human - As Being A Side-Winding Diamond-Back Snake Who Has No Feelings For Anyone Or Anything But Self, First, Last And Always!

In The Event That You Find Your Person In Arrogant Self's Mesmerizing Milieu, Please Send Up A Fervent Prayer, On The Back Of Faith, With A Humble Heart Free Of Airs And Graces, And Expressing Your Known And True Need 

To:  Father God
In The Name Of  Jesus Christ The Righteous, The Rewarder Of All Men

Please Permit The Holy Spirit Of Truth To Be Your Guide Because, As It Is Written:

You Do Not Know How To Pray As Your Should!

The Holy Spirit Of Truth Interprets The Prayers Of The Saints With Groanings Which Cannot Be Uttered!

All Persons Recognizing Their Need Of Saving Grace, Please Aggressively Familiarize Yourself With:

  • Psalm 1 Section 1
  • Psalm 16 Sections 1,5, 8
  • Psalm 46
  • Philippians 4 Section 13
  • Psalm 119 Section 105
  • Psalm 19
  • Psalm 17
  • Psalm 121
  • Psalm 7 Section 10

Please Be Further Advised That There Is A Coming Great Conflagration And All Who Have Yielded To Insincere Self's Selfishly Diabolical Entreaties, And Have Cast Aside The Easy Yolk And The Light Burden Of The Man Of Sorrows Who Is Well-Acquainted With All Of Mankind's Known Griefs, And Despising The Great Salvation Purchased For All At Infinite Cost To The Ancient Of Days - The Father God - Will Be Unceremoniously Thrown Into The Lake Which Burns With Fire And Brimstone Wherein They Will Be Consumed! 

The Time For Each Person's Total Consuming Depends On How Egregious Has Been His Sin Against The Great God!

Please Know This:

Now Is The Accepted Time! Now Is The Day Of Your Salvation Where You May Turn Away From Arrogant And Aggressive Self And Be Saved!

  • Self ... Satisfaction
  • Self ... Aggrandizement
  • Self ... Serving, And
  • Self ... Determination
Are Some Of The Noted Traits Exhibited By Arrogant Self To Inveigle Others In His (Her) Rebellion!

A Wise Word Of Eternal Truth For All Citizens:
Trust Ye In The Lord Forever, For In The Lord Jehovah Is Everlasting Strength!
The Savior Is Waiting To Enter Your Heart!

The Transaction For Soul Salvation
And Deliverance From That Self, Is As Follows:

Jesus Christ, The Only Holy Savior ... In
Arrogant Aggressive Diabolical Self ... Out

This Is A Can't Fail, Can't-Lose, Proposition!

You Must Die To Self To Be Eternally Saved!

The Lord Is Our Shepherd
A Shelter In The Time Of Storm!

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