
Sunday, September 23, 2018

Ye Are Not Your Own!?!

My Life Is Mine To Do Whatever I Please!

Kinda Bold, Aren't You ... For A Thief!?!

Excuse Me!?!

No Excuse Necessary!
You're Nothing But A Thief!

Them's Fighting Words, Mister!
You'd Better Back Up Your Mouth
Or Shut Up!

No Need To Put Up Your Dukes, Young Fella!
He's Speaking The Living God's Truth!

Enough Already!
My Life IS Mine And I DO What I Want!

It Looks Like We've Got Ourselves A Hard Case Here!

Let Me Ask You A Question:
You Ever Created Anything!?!

Sure, I Have! I Do!
I Create Computer Apps!

That's Lovely!
Whose Brain Did You Use!?!

I Used My Own Brain!

Did You Create That Brain!?!

Of Course, Not!

You're A Thief!
Whose Eyes Did You Use!?!

I Used My Own Eyes, Of Course!

Did You Create Those Eyes!?!

Of Course Not!
Humans Can't Create Eyes!

You're A Thief!

You're Really Starting To Bug Me!

That's My Hope!


Whose Hands, Ears
Mind, Heart Did You Use!?!

Let's See ... Mine, Mine, Mine
Mine And Mine!
I Used, I Use, All That Is Mine!

Did You Create You!?!

Of Course Not!

Then, As I Said Before, You're A Thief!
What Do You Keep Saying That!?!
What Do You Mean By Making That Statement!?!

Whoever Has The Right Of Creating You
Owns You!
Who Created You!?!

My Parents!?!

I Glean By That Question That 
You Are Experiencing, Dare I Say, Doubt!?!

You'd Better Believe It!

Very Good! 

We're Making Progress!

And The LORD Said:
Let Us Make Man In Our Own Image
After Our Own Likeness ...!

What Does That Make God!?! 

That's Easy! Almighty God Is Man's Creator!

I Like That You Recognize That God Is Almighty!

And God Said To Man
Be Fruitful And Multiply!
What Does That Make God!?! 

Our Programmer!?!

I'll Take That Answer!
There Is No Human
No Human Pretending To Be God
No Demonic Spirit
Or That Satan Who Wants To Be God
That Has The Rights To Anything
That Almighty God Through Jesus Christ
The Lord Created Or Called Into Being ...!

... Just Remember That When The Powers That Be
Tell You That You Have No Exclusive Right
To Your Body Which Is The Lord's!

The Earth Is The Lord's
The Fullness Thereof
Aka Whatever Is On It Or Under It
The Sea And They That Dwell Therein
For He Spake ... And It Was Done
He Commanded ... And It Stood Fast!
Can You
Do You
Do Any Of That!?!

Of Course Not!
I'm Not The Creator God!

Very Nice! 

Do You Still Say That Your Life Is Your Own!?!

No, I Don't
But I Will Say That The Lord God Gifted Me My Life!

So, What Do You Intend To Do With Your Gift!?!

How Many Choices Do I Have!?!

Let's Just Say ... Two ...!!

... Which Are!?!

Nothing Too Difficult:
Satisfy Self
Glorify God!

Can't I Glorify God By Satisfying Self!?!


Oh, Man!! 
Don't I Get Anything For Myself!?!

Sure, You Do!
Give God Glory By Setting Aside Self
Get God's Gifts Of Grace And Faith
His Blessings Of Peace And Rest
Truth And Righteousness
Forgiveness And Salvation
Hope And Glory!!

You Said Glory!
Do I Really Get Glory!?!

You Surely Do!

You Must Willingly Give God Your Life
Which Is His To Begin With
You Get The New Beginning
- Eternal Life -
Which Is ALMIGHTY God's Gift To Give
To The Enduring Faithful At This World's Sure End!

The New Beginning!
I Can Really Relate To New Beginnings!
I Know A Lot About Starting All Over Again!

Then You Should Have No Problem
Starting ...!

... A New Life With Jesus Christ!
I Get It!
My Life Is Not My Own!
He Could Take It
But He Desires Me To Give
Aka Gift It Back To Him!

This Is Amazing!
I Can Give God An Unique Gift
That Not One Other Creature Can Give To Him!

I Can Give Almighty God, Myself!
I'm Special!
I Can Bless God!
I Shall Bless God ...!

... Before You Go Totally Overboard
With Your Wonderful Gift To God
Let's Talk A Little Bit About ... Pride!

It's Like This ...

If You Have A Gift To Give To Almighty God
You Become So Enamored
So Proud Of The Contents
The Uniquely Beautiful Wrapping
That You Proudly Believe 
That You Have Lovingly Prepared
You Do Not Humble Yourself
By Setting Aside Self Before Your Maker
Deliver The Gift To That Holy Recipient
It Is A Present To ... Your Proud Self!


 The Proud One Is Never Humble!
The Humble One Faithful Is Never Proud!
Grace And Mercy Bless The Humble Faithful
The Cries Of The Damned Proud Will Be Loud!

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