
Friday, October 12, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH: Stay On Topic, People Of The Living God! + PRAYER: Bless Us To Do Right, Lord!

Blessings Reward Obedience!
Judgments Follow Transgression!
Herein, Brethren
Is The Outcome For The Christian One
For He Who Holds The Hypocrite's Position
Never Winning The Race
Always Being In Position No. 2!

Fact:There Are No Hypocrites In Heaven!
There Are No Silver Medalists!
There Is No One Called Also-Ran
In Hell There Is No Air-Conditioner
Nor Personal Cooling Fans!

You Say You Are Running The Race For The Win
Run With Commitment
Stop Playing With Pet Sin!

Stop Taking Your Pet-Sin To Snuggle With You In Bed!
Stop Putting Cute Costumes On Your Pet-Sin
So That Can Say
"This Ain't No Sin: I Should Know!"

Stop Taking Your Pet-Sin To Work
On Bring Your Pet To Work Day
Stop Arranging Pet-Sin Play-Dates
As Though You Don't Know Sin's Final Fate!

Do You Remember The Pet Rock Craze!?!

We Sure Do!

Pray Tell Me
What Did That Do For You!?!

Everybody Who Was Anybody Had A Pet Rock
So I Got Me A Pet Rock, Too!

What About You, Peter!?!

It Was A Rock!
I Had Many In My Yard
So I Saw No Good Reason
To Purchase Pure Folly
With The Money I Work For So Hard!

Maaaan, You Were So Square!
You Probably Used To Call Ice Hard Water!

I Did!
... And It Is!

Let Me Guess, Adrian
You Bought Canned Dehydrated Water
And ...

... Unicorn Meat!

Stay On Topic, People!
As Christians
We Must Keep Our Appetites And Lusts
In Control
We Must Accept That
The Only Way To Salvation
Through The Lord Christ
We Must Stop Allowing Ourselves To Be Diverted
By Trivialities Aka The Demonic Device!

Come On!
People Just Want To Have A Little Fun!

So, Let Me Ask You:
Which Part Of Willfully Playing With Known Sin
Would You Call "Having A Little Fun!?!"

Which Part Of "Depart From Me, Ye Workers Of Iniquity!" 
Sounds Like "Fun" To Any Of You!?!

Which Part Of Your Standing Outside Of
The Gates Of New Jerusalem
Decrepit In Body
Damned Just Like Satan
For All Eternity
- By Your Own Willing Personal Choice -
Seeing The Glorified Immortalized Youthful Saints Of The Lord Christ
Happy And Blessed
Gowned And Crowned
Forever Saved And Safe Inside
Would You Call "Having A Little Fun!?!

Brethren,The Time For Fun And Games Is Over!
The Prophetic Clock ... Always Correct
Always To Time
Is Smartly Chugging Along!
One Nation Wants All Its People To Worship The Sun!
The Same Nation Says You Do Not Have 
Exclusive Right To Your Own Body!
Sunday Laws Are Being Passed Amongst The Nations!
Creation Is Groaning!
Religion Is Being State Sponsored!
The Church Dictating To The State Is Being Heralded!
The Animals Are Being Withdrawn As Prophesied!
Calamities Are Increasing In Frequency And Magnitude!
Men's Hearts Are Grown Cold ...!
... Men's Hearts Are Failing Them For Fear Of
The Things Which Are To Befall Mankind ...!

... The Nations Are Angry!

Brethren,Salvation Is Available ... And Free!
Mercy Is Available ... And Free!
Grace Is Free And Available ... And Sufficient!

Jesus Christ's Faith Is ...

... The Gift That Takes A Licking
And Still Stands Firm ...!

We Need That Faith
That Can Take Disappointment
That Is Not Swayed By The Wily Foe
That Looks Up To The Lord Jesus Christ
That Is Comforted By The Holy Spirit
That Is Protected By The Holy Angels
Patiently Enduring Holds To Almighty God's Unchanging Hands
That The Great Day Will Arrive
When He That Promised Will Come
Shall Not Be Silent!

When You Put It Like That
We Really Need The Lord Jesus!


Father Of The Faithful,
Sovereign Lord Of The Universe
We, Your Believing Children
Seek Your Favor
To Help Us To Get Out From Under Sin's Curse!

Loving Father,
King And True
Grant Unto Us The Portion Of Daily Faith
Sufficient For The Day
Promised To All Who Will To Believe
To Love
To Trust
To Honor
To Worship
To Obey
The Word Made Flesh
Who Dwelt Among Us!

Oh, Father,
Please Grant Us Your Free-To-All Grace!
Please Help Us To Stand Firm
To Accept The Word Of Truth
From Whomever Will Deliver It
To Deny The Liar
Whether He Be Dressed As Priest
Prophet Pope Prince Preacher
Pastor Parent President
Or Dear Friend!

Oh, Lord,
The Days Are Getting Darker!
The Foe Seems Oh, So Strong
But We
Who Trust And Love Our Lord
Stand On The Promise
That The Great Day Of Small
Will Be Here E'er Long!
Please Help Us To Hold On!

Please Bless Us To Do Right
To Live Right
To Tell The Old Story
To Ever Speak The Truth
Hold High The Converted-To-Christ
Christian Banner
To Encourage The Young And The Old
The Hurting Youth!

Thank You For The Grace!
Thank You For Ever-Increasing Faith!
Thank You For Our Forgiveness!
Thank You For The Certain Hope
Thank You For The Most Gift Of The Lord Jesus
By Whose Willing Sacrifice
Unto Your Holy Throne
We May Humbly Approach!

Please Grant Us These Few Petitions
We Ask In Faith
Nothing Wavering
In The Holy Name Of The Beloved
Our Lord And Savior
Jesus Christ!

We Love You, Lord!
Please Come Soon!

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