
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

IT MUST BE SAID: Cultivating Gratitude!

I Had A Single Grain Of Gratitude
And I Sincerely Wished For More
So I Put It In A Pot Of Care
And I Placed On A Sunny Shelf
Near My Entrance Exit Door!

I Told A Friend About My Desire
To Have Gratitude Blooming Richly In My Sphere
And I Was Shocked To The Max
At The Words That She Spake
And I Wondered If Cultivating This Friendship
Had Been A Sad Mistake!

She Bitterly Said:

What Do You Have To Be So Grateful About!?!
Your Life Is As Hard Is Mine!
Breaking Up Fractions To Know How To Live
Is A Task That I Roundly Despise!

I Don't Know What It Is That You Want To Be So Grateful For
When Each Day Is As Hard As Every Other
When Money Is Tight
When Health Is No Delight
And Just Looking At Another Person
Is Reason For Them To Pick A Fight!

I Replied:

Aren't You Glad You're Alive!?!
Aren't You Glad You Don't Have Cancer!?!
Aren't You Glad You Have Eyesight
And Your Legs Are Still With You
And No One Has To Push You Around
And In Your House There Is Still Reason For Laughter!?!

The Look I Received Was Chilling To Say The Least
And We Parted With No Words Of Affection!
I Went My Own Way
And To The Living God Said My Grateful Prayers
And Sought To Understand Why Words Of
Thanks And Gratefulness
Were So Hard For Some Of Us To Say!

The Scenario Is Not Real
But The Concept Is Very True
And All We Have To Do
Is To Look Critically Around Us
And We Shall See The Living Proof:

People Discontented With What They Have
Which Is More Than What Someone Has Or Some Other
But A Lot Less Than That Friend
This Brother Or Another!

Discontent Is An Offshoot Of Pride
And A Great Family To Greed
And Believe It Or Not
The Rich Want The Health Of Poor
Who Want The Wealth Of The Rich
Who Want The Peace And Rest Of Those 
Who Have Not Tasted Runaway Success!

We Ask For What We Want!
We Get What We Need
And Then We Blame God
For Not Really Knowing Each Heart
How To Feed!

Ingratitude In The Young Is Ugly!
Ingratitude In The Old Is A Disgrace
And We All Need To Do A Serious Think
About What Would Be The Outcome
If The Lord God Almighty
Loving King Blessing Faithful True
Were To Deal With Each One Of Us
According To Our Practice Of 
Not Returning Words Of Thanks And Prayers Of Gratitude!

We Beg Too Much
We Say Thanks Too Little!

Almighty God Does Not Owe Us Anything
But We, Ingrates That We Are
Owe Almighty God Everything!

Thank You, Dear Lord
For Your Untold, Unknown
Unexpected, Unappreciated
Daily Blessings Generously Showered Upon Me!

Thank You, Dear Reader
For Your Being A Part Of This Community!

Thank You, Dear Friend
For Your Kindness Today!

Thank You, Brother, Sister
For What You Do And Say!

Thank You, Mother, Father
For Teaching Me Truth And Right
And, Again
Thank You, Dear Lord
For Giving Christ Jesus Unto Me And My King
And For Guiding Me To Walk Ever 
In The Life-Giver's Light!

Thank You, Lord, Thank You!
I Beseech Of You A Boon!
Please Bless Me To Say "Thank You, Lord!"
Evening Morning Night And Noon!

Life Is A Gift!
Show Gratitude To The Giver ... Today!
Shower Him With A Generous Gift Of
Your Heartfelt Thanks
Willing Praise And Believing-Heart Prayers!

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