
Monday, October 1, 2018

One Life To Live!

What Motivates You To Live!?!

Body Clock:

Two Faces
Two Sides
Two Directions
Back And Front
Good And Bad
Right And Wrong

One Battery: Life

Two Modes Of Current: Satan Or Jesus Christ

Two Chimes: Self-Willed Or Self-Sacrifice

One Temporary Residence: Earth

One Eternal Destination: Heaven Or Hellfire

One True Ministering Spirit: Holy Angel Or Fallen Angel

One True Food: Faith Or Doubt

One Life To Live
So ... Choose You This Day
Whom You Shall Serve
Know For Sure That Whatever Your Choice
The Bill For Saving Your Life
By The Lord Jesus Christ Has Already Been Paid!

Free Choice 
Given Freely To All Mankind
For Selection Between
Free Salvation And Peaceful Eternity
After The Victory-Over-Sin Shout
Keeping The Curse And Departure Forever
From The Ways Of The Truth
Heavenly Light And Right!

I Wonder Who Will Win Out?! 

Facts Of Life ...

Jesus Christ For You Was Bloodied Gory! 
Satan Shines Falsely With A Lying Story!

Heat Operates For One Dreaded Fate
Heart Is At The Heart Of The Pearly Gates
Where Only Those Who Enter
Have Accepted The Eternal Life Offer
Have The White Attire
That Can Never Attract Damnation's Fire!

Save The Date!
Put Your Election
On Heaven's Slate
Know That The Judge Of All Is Surely Coming
Is Known Never To Be Late!
You Alone Decide What Will Be Your Eternal Fate! 

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