
Friday, November 16, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + From Imputed To Imparted Righteousness!

The Blessing Of The Lord
It MAKES Man Rich
He Adds No Sorrow To It!

Impute Is To HAVING A Credit Card
What Impart Is To OWNING The Bank!

Keep Going!!

If I SAY That You Are A Christian
Does That Make You One?!

No! Of Course Not!

When Jesus Calls You A Christ-Follower
Does That Make You A Christ-Follower?!

Yes, Indeed It Does!


Jesus Christ Cannot Lie!
You, A Man, Do!

Let's Look At It From Another Direction:

Jesus Christ 
The Central Bank!
You, A Believing Christian, Are A Neighborhood Bank!
Jesus Issues A Deposit Of Daily Faith To You
The Believing Christian Aka Neighborhood Bank!
You Have A Corporate Charge Card Marked 
To Make Purchases IRL Aka In Real Life!

You Have/Experience A Need!
You Believe Your Deposit Is Available!
You, In Faith, Make A Purchase By Faith!
Life Goes On!
You Are/Have Been Blessed!

You, In Gratitude, Seek To Be A Blessing
You Know ... Of A Surety
That Jesus Christ's Faith
Moves. Your. Mountains!

But ...

There Is A Problem For The Doubter:

Jesus Christ Says That He Is Giving Faith
That Is, Imputing
Letting You Have Access To His Righteousness!
Jesus Christ Then Invites You
To Invite The Holy Spirit Of Truth
- Who Will Work In You -
To Help You TAKE Of The Available Faith
Which Is Imparted
- Made Personally Available To You -
Which You May Freely
Wantonly Access

Moving From Faith To Righteousness
A Journey
Performed By A One-Step-At-A-Time Walk
Never, Not Ever, A Race!

I Believe That I've Gotten It!

Simply Put, Brethren
Faith Is The Coin
In The Purse Of Belief
Which Is Opened In Obedience
By The Willing Hand Of Trust
Jesus Christ Says He Is The Purse
Containing Our Wealth
- Though Openly Available -
Is Only Accessible
To The One Who Chooses
To Believe
To Trust
To Obey
To Act
To Receive
To Live
To Grow
To Gain
Abundant Living ... Now
Eternal Life ... Later!

We Must See That ...

The Very Real Difference Between
Imputed Righteousness 
Imparted Righteousness
Our Hope!
Our Faith!
Our Belief!
Our Love!
Our Obedience!
Our Trust!
If We Have The First Four
We'll Always Exercise The Last Two!

Let's Recap ...

Imputed Righteousness 
Jesus Christ Saying That 
He Is Giving Us His Righteousness
Our Having Faith To Trust Him At His Word!

Imparted Righteousness 
Our Believing That
Jesus Christ Delivers On His Word
Our Willingness To Give Over Self
Permitting Him To Have His Way In Our Lives
- Via The Agency Of The Holy Spirit -
To Make Us Righteous!

The Comforter Is Coming ...!

... The Comforter Is Coming Here ... To Me ...!

... The Comforter Is In Me!

I Am Comforted And Comfortable In Christ!


The Walk From Present Faith To ... Future Sight!

The Journey Is From Desiring 
To Acting
To Living ... 
On The Fact!

The Bottom Line ...

The Consequences Of The Lack Of Action
For The Unbelieving Distrustful Disobedient
Unfaithful Soul
Are Fatally And Eternally Grave


Just So That You'll Never Forget ...

Imputed Righteousness 
Our Title To Heaven!
Imparted Righteousness 
Our Fitness For Heaven
Our Certificate Of Occupancy!

May The God Of All Grace
Help Us To Make Our Calling
And Election To Heaven ... Sure!

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