
Monday, November 26, 2018

HIRELING SHEPHERDS: Dereliction Of Duty ...!

When I Was A Child
We Sang:

While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night
All Seated On The Ground
The Angel Of The Lord Came Down
And Said:
"Those Flocks Are Mine!"

It Is Only Now That I Realize That Instead Of Jesting
We Actually Spoke The Truth!
There Was The Bigger Picture
The Weightier Truth Being Revealed
We Didn't Then Understand It!
Jesus Christ Paid For Us Sheep Of The Flock!

There Are Many Flocks Being Cared For
All Who Remain Faithful Are Headed To The One Fold
Belonging To The Good Shepherd!

Problem Is ...

There Is A Problem With The Hireling Shepherds
Who Are Faithless
Greedy For Gain
Serving Two Masters!

I Have A Question!

Go Ahead! Ask Away!

If You Cannot See Your Employer
Does It Mean Your Employer Can't See You!?!
If You Are Paying Yourself
Feeding Yourself
Fattening Yourself
And Starving Your Charges
Some Of Them Even To Death
And Without Presently Facing Any Consequences
Does That Mean That Your Employer
The Kind Master
That Good Over-Shepherd
Is Unaware Or Is ... Dead!?!

That's Two Questions ... But I'll Allow The Freebie!

That's Generous Of You ... And I Thank You!

Seriously, Though
Both Jesus Christ And The Apostle Paul
Treated To This Very Issue
Which We, Ourselves, Are Seeing Played Out Today!

The All-Seeing 
Feeling-All Things Holy God
Not Mocked
Cannot Be Fooled
Keeps Perfect Records
Is No Fool!

He Doesn't Sleep
Doesn't Wear Dark Glasses
Doesn't Own Pajamas
Has No Grandchildren Godchildren
Step-Children Nor Bastard Children
Knows Every Last One Of His Children By Name
Every Employee In His Service
Every Student In The School Of Jesus Christ!

Meticulous Aka Perfect Records Are Kept
The Hireling Shepherd Who Doesn't Spare The Flock
And, Instead
Teaches Smooth Things So As Not To Offend Their Sponsors
Propagates Fanciful Theories
To Make Personal Disciples Out Of The Lord's Called Children
Facing A World Of Hurt
Come Reconciliation Of Accounts 
Aka Pay Day Aka The Day Of Reward!

Keeping Two Sets Of Books Won't Help!
Having An Accounting Service Won't Help!
Crying Lack Of Knowledge Won't Help!
Accusing The Lord Won't Help!
Making An Excuse Of The Fraud Won't Help!

It's Face The Music Time
All The Previously Undisclosed To Public View
Blood On Their Hands
Will Be Shining Like A Beacon!

I Guess That The Phrase
"Do All To The Glory Of God!"Is Lost Upon Such As Those Underlings!

Their Favorite Song Is ... Obviously

Self Before The Savior!
Sinner Before Saint!
I Want Now The Fruits Of My Labor
Future Glory Cannot Compare
To Being Presently Great!

Bite Your Tongue!

Truth Is Truth!
You Don't Have To Like It!
You Must Speak It!
You Must Believe It!
You Must Live It!
Almighty God
The Shepherd Of Rest
Our Hope For Glory To Share
Demands It Of His Faithful Children
He Will Never Coerce It
That Is Why Deceitful Workers
Those Who Call The Lord, Father
Are Willful Wayward Children 
Will Be Without Excuse
As Regards The Revealed Will
Disclosed Ways Of The Eternal God!

I Suppose That Holding The Fort
Until The Master Appears
Is Considered A Light Thing To Them!

Utterly Disgraceful Behavior Is What I Say!

Bottom Line ...

There Is No Real Profit Gained
By Playing Footsie With The Fraud
We Will Do Well To Remember That
All That We Do For The Lord Christ
Exponentially Rewarded!

In That Light
Take What You Want ... And Pay For It
Takes On A Whole New Meaning!

Diligence And Economy 
Must Be The Watch Words Of All Who Labor For The Lord!

As Paul Says:

"... Covet No Man's Silver, Gold Or Apparel!"

Jehovah, Hallelujah! 

The Lord Does Provide!

Final Word ...

Jesus Christ Cares!
Jesus Christ Saves
Jesus Christ Pays!

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