
Thursday, November 29, 2018

JESUS CHRIST SAVES: Be Neither Faint Nor Feeble

Jesus Christ's Holy Spirit Reveals Our Sin!
Jesus Christ's Love Gives Us Grace!
Jesus Christ's Blood Removes Sins' Stains!
Jesus Christ Forgiveness Restores Us To The Father's Favor!

Jesus Christ For Our Blessing Labored
So, Now, We May Work In Faith By Love
We Are Saved
Enjoying Blessings' Savor!

The Word Of God Is Truth!
The Justice Of God Is Fair!
The Mercy Of God Is Free
Salvation Is For all Who Desire Their Share!

Working With Christ Is Available For All!
Darkness Is Descending Upon The Blue Ball!
Satan Is The Liar Who Caused Mankind's Fall
Judgment Is Coming For All
Condemnation For Those Who Will Not Before The Great God
By Confession In Repentance
In Humility Fall!

Blessing And Cursing
Are The Choices Between Which Man Must Make!
Life And Death Likewise
This Is A Thing That None Can Fake!
Individual Will
Individual Choice
This From Man No Created Being Can Take
All Alike Must Make Their Own Decision
By So Doing
Will Their Position In Eternity Take!

Innocent Blood Was Spilt! 
The Holy One's His Own Life Laid Down
The Holy One His Life Took Back Up
So That No Man ... Believing
May From The Eternal Kingdom Be Lost
The Innocent Blood Spilt
Was That Of Jesus Christ The Righteous
On Calvary's Cruel Cross!

We Are Precious ...

We Are Bought With A Price
Not Known To Be Silver Or Gold! 
We Are Offered A Safe Berth
In The Good Shepherd's Safe Fold! 
Harden Not Your Heart! 
Let It Not Be As In The Provocation Cold
Let It be Warmed By The Love Of Him Who
For Our Salvation 
Was For Thirty Pieces Of Silver Sold! 


A Place Is Personally Prepared For You
Which Cannot Be Bartered Bought
Nor Ever Sold
So Let Heaven At The Last Trumpet

Be Your Soul's Sole Goal!

In The Love Of The Lord Christ
For The Salvation Of Souls
Be Not Faint Nor Feeble
Be Valiantly Bold!
Let The Truth For The Ages Be Made Known!
Let Saving Truth Be Told!

Speak The Truth In Righteousness!

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