
Friday, December 14, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + PRAYER: You, Alone, Can Help Us, Lord!

Heavenly Father,
I Come Before You Seeking A Blessing
The Blessing That Can Only Come From
The Majesty Of Heaven
Our Creator
Our Redeemer
Our One True And Forever Friend!

I Bring Before You The Sick And Suffering Amongst Us!
There Are Those Sick In Mind
Sick In Body
Sick Financially
Sick Spiritually
All Sick Of Sin!
Please Help Us For You, Alone, Can!

I Bring Before You My Brethren
Be It By Blood
By Affection Or By Faith
I Ask In Faith For The Blessing That Keeps On Blessing
The Blessing That We Cannot Purchase
Rent Or Return
The Blessing That Comes Of Grace
That Unmerited Favor 
That You Alone Can Bestow!

Men's Hearts Are Waxing Colder And Colder
Their Icy Disdain Is Being Felt Around The World
Within And Among The Nations!
Pity Us, Lord, And Help Us!

You Are The Faithful God
Just Loving Kind
Blessing Giving True
Because I Trust Your Character
Because I Bask In Your Love
Because You Give Gifts To Me Without My Asking
Because You Are Ever Near
Because I Know That Within Your Presence
In Your Service
In Your Kingdom
I Have Nothing To Fear
I Cast Upon You All My Known Cares!

I Know That You Have The Whole World
In Your Mighty Hand
You Hold Me In Your Loving Heart
So, Lord ... I Rest In You
Because I Know Of A Surety
That Yours Are The Hands Of The Eternal God!

Remember The Brethren, Lord
Of The Household Of Faith!
Remember The Little Children
So That Their Innocent Lives Do Not Become
Lives Lived In Disgrace!
Remember The Sad And Alone
The Weary And The Wronged
The Pitiful And The Mighty
The Weak And Strong!

Remember Your Promise
Made Unto Us In Innocent Blood
Come Soon, Lord, For Us
Because Raging Wickedness Does Abound!

You, Alone, Can Help Us!
You, Alone, It Is That Does Us Daily Feed
It Is For These Reason, Lord
That With You
In Jesus Christ's Matchless And Holy Name
That I Do Here Plead!

I Love You, Lord!
Have Mercy, And Bless Us
Even As I Pray For The Holy Spirit To Fall Upon Us
Indwell Us
For The Holy Angels To Protect Us
Influence Us For Good!

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