
Thursday, December 6, 2018

NO CAKE AND CONSOMME CHRISTIANITY: Building Character In The Lord Christ!

Dare I Say That
Almighty God Through Jesus Christ The Righteous
Is A Buffet Table
And Some People Are ... By Personal Choice
Either Soup Bowl And Soup Spoon ... No Bread
Or Cake Plate And Dessert Fork ... No Meat!?!

You May
I Will Say That Those Regenerated Christians
Those Few Souls Who Are Truly Committed To Christ
- I'll Use Your Food Service Analogy -
Consider The Lord Christ
- Almighty God In Flesh -
A Catered Sit-Down Meal With All The Trimmings
Plus Free Dinner-Wear
Pre-Paid Prayer Charge Card
No Long Spoon Required:

  • They Know The Venue
  • They Know The Reservation Number
  • They Know The Kindly Chef-Host Owner-Operator
  • They Know The Opening Hours
  • They Intimately Know The Extensive Life-Saving Menu
  • They Know The Friendly Servers
  • They Know Their Companions For The Meal - They Know The Reputation And The Base Methods Of Marketing Of The Condemned Competition - 
  • They Know That Reservations Up Until The 11th Hour Are Required, And
  • They Know Of The Season Called The Closing Time!

Okay, Okay!

There Are Two, Even Three Different Kinds Of People ... Now
We Know That At The End Of Time
There Will Be Two Classes Only:

Those Who Choose The Catered Meal
  • Who Are Committed To Christ
  • Who Allow Him To Serve Them As They Work For, With, And Willingly Serve Him ... For Love, Not Counting The Personal Costs While Accepting On Faith The Hope That There Will Be Eternal Gain If They Stay With Him Learning And Growing In Grace, Enduring The Seasons Of Change And Decay


Those Who Don't Can't Won't
Aka Refuse To!

It's Sad, You Know
When A Person Goes To The All You Should Eat Restaurant
Consumes Only The Consomme
The Variety Is Too Overwhelming
Too Pricey!

I Thought All You Can Eat Was Price Fixe!?!

It Is!

But ...!

... That's What Happens When You Don't Read The Whole Book ... Menu!

I Think It's Just As Sad
When The Smart Worldly-Wise Epicurean
Chooses Only The Cake ...!

... Ahhhh! The Cake! 

The Good Time Charlie's:

Sunshine ... No Rain
Icing ... No Ginger Bread
Roses ... No Thorns
Sweet ... Nothing Bitter, Nothing Sour
Light ... Nothing Hard
Bright ... Nothing Dark
School ... No Lessons
Vacations ... No Work
Time ... No Tests
Gold Participation Trophies For All
Ignoring The Suffering Of The Beloved Son
Who Paid The Great Price
To Save Man From The Results Of The Fall!


As Far As I Know
Jesus Christ Died To Show Us 
How In The Light Of Life To Live
How To Labor In Faith For Love
How To Give Because We Receive Grace From Above
How To Pray Unceasingly Even Though We Desire
The Bitter Cup Of Life From Us To Pass
How To Care Even Though Wrongly Accused
How To Lift Up Our Cross And With Him Be In Solidarity
How To Live The Life Of Loving Charity!

He Died So That We May Live Abundantly Now
To Live Gloriously Later!

He Desires Us ... Upon Him ... Our Burden To Cast!
He Desires That We Trust Him
Even Though His Face We Cannot Now See
To Believe The Word Of Truth
Daily Practice Walking In Faith
So That At The Trumpet Called Last
We Shall See Him In Peace
Not Be Amongst Those Called The Least!

Bottom Line ...

Jesus Christ Promised Us A Home In Glory Land
We Must Build Characters Fit For Heaven ... Here
As Far As I Am Aware
You Don't Build Character Drinking Watery Soup
Eating Sweet Cake
Each And Every Day!

That's For Sure!

And You Don't Build Muscle
Walking ... Gently ... On Flat Road!

Character Is Contentment In Christ
Through Christ
For Christ
With Christ
No Matter Where And How
The Road Leads!


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