
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Under-Cover Boss ... And Fine Print!?!

Imagine That!



What Do You Mean!?!

Jesus Christ Is Our Under-Cover Boss
In Plain Sight Of
Those Who On Him Believe!

You Had Me Going There For A Moment!

Jesus Said:

Who Is Not Planting With Me Is Against Me!
If We Are Not Planting With The Lord Christ
We Are Plucking Up The Beautiful Garden
We Are Endorsing And Promulgating
The Known Strife!

The Lord Is Sowing Mercy!
The Lord Is Sowing Grace!
The Lord Is Raising Up A Harvest For Salvation
The Devil
- That Old Satan -
Is Adding Darnel
To Cause Many To Be Felled In Disgrace!

Oh, Dear!
Sad To Say That What You Say Is True!

Truth Be Told
Satan Is Robbing Men Of
The Gift Of Eternal Youth!

You Know
If We Will Learn All We Can About Christ Jesus
The One Real
We Will Never Be Mamaguyed
By The False One
The Known And Damned Disgrace!

Jesus Christ Has Made The Way For Man!
When We Choose To Believe Him
We Can On Truth
Against That Lying Satan
Firmly Stand!

When We Follow The Path Of Light
That Our Glorious Lord Has For Us Prepared
We Will Never Be Felled By Satan
Nor Will We Be By His Sophistries Ensnared!

Jesus Christ Is Available To All
And Plainly Visible To All
Who Call Upon Him For Sure Sight!

Satan Is Making His Way In Darkness
Even Gross Darkness
Enveloping The Sinful
Self-Indulgent People!

Think About It ...

Jesus Christ 
The Undercover Boss
Exposed To All
Revealing To All
The Delights Of Walking In Heavenly Light
Secure From Decimating Blight!

The Undercover Boss ... Deeply Concealed
Introducing People To The Execrable "Pleasures" Of
The Dark Night
Causing Them To Believe That
There Is No Lord-Of-Life Flight
To The Land Of No-Night 
Where All Is To The Soul's Delight! 

Under The Cover Of Darkness
Sin Is Making Its Way
Into The Lives Of The Unsuspecting
Making Them War Against Him
Who For Their Own Sin Did Pay!

But ...

Jesus Christ The Savior Is Righteous!
Jesus Christ The Redeemer Blesses All!
Jesus Christ The Shepherd Is Calling
Unto All Those Who Under Sin's Curse
Do Fall!

Do Not Be A Slave To Emotion!
Do Not Be A Slave To Your Eyes!
Do Not Be A Slave To Consuming Passion
Because, Then
You Will Become A Slave To Satan's Lies!

Trust Jesus Christ For Your Favor!
Trust Jesus Christ For Eternal Life Free!
Trust Jesus Christ The Rock Of All Ages
Who Is Still Beckoning To Me And To Thee!

Heaven Is Free!
Hope Is Free!
Faith Is Free!
Grace Is Free!

Blessing Is Free!
Forgiveness Is Free!
Truth Is Free!

Always Read The Fine Print:

Love Is Free!
Immortality Is Free!
Incorruptibility Is Free!

Wisdom Is Free!

Folly Costs A Fee!

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