
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Heavenly Wisdom Is Truth Is Heavenly Wisdom!

I'm Not Dying To Be Rich!
I'm Living To Live With The Lord Christ!
I'm Praying For Heavenly Wisdom
So That Recognizing Truth
I Will Not Be Swayed By The Flexible Lie
That Known Satanic Device!

- That Heavenly Wisdom -
Cannot Be Colorized!
It Cannot Bend!
It Cannot Turn Corners
It Never Needs An Attorney
To Speak In Its Defence!

Truth ... I Can Stand Upon!
Truth ... I Can Hug To My Heart!
Truth ... I Can Make Its Boast
It Will Never From My Life ... Regenerated
To Depart!

I Have Set My Table!
Jesus Christ Is At The Head!
He Speaks
- Giving The Blessing -
Offering Truth As Daily Bread!

Jesus Christ Is Daily Bread!
Jesus Christ Is Truth!
Jesus Christ Is The Way To Life
The Light
By Which Glare
I See The Pathway To Walk Steadily Upon!

The Way To Life Is Narrow!
The Way To Life Is Strait
I Need Truth's Resources
I'm Not To Suffer
- Demons And Unrepentant Sinners, Too -
Known And Sure Fate!

We All Have A Date With Destiny
Where The Destinations Are Two
Where The Mindsets Are
For Christ
And Against
Where Characters Cannot Be Changed
Nor Renewed


I Will Finish This Missive
In The Same Manner As I Did Start
Saying Plainly To One And To All
From Sin And Sun Worship

Do Not Live ... Dying To Be Rich!
Live To Live With Jesus The Christ
Asking Him Now
- While It Is Still The Acceptable Time -
To Take Your Stony Heart
Break It Apart
To Give Unto You A New Heart Of Flesh
Where The Holy Spirit Of Truth
May Take Up Welcome Residence
So That We Will Never Hear From
The Father Above:

Leave Her Alone!

Leave Him ... Alone!


We Are Left Anchorless
Awaiting The Known Dread Day
When Christ Will, As Promised, Come
For The Accepters Of The Blessing Provided
Who Believed That For Them
His Innocent Blood Did Atone
Those That Are The Faithful Ones
Those He Will Carry To 
The Prepared Heavenly Home!

Brethren, Beloved
Walk Worthy!
Leave Sin Alone!
Only Truth Will Point The Way Home!

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