
Sunday, January 20, 2019

PRAYER: Thank You, Father! Evil Can Be Withstood!

You've Given Us The Key To The Living
You've Given Unto Us The One Who Is The Door!
You've Given Us The Rock, The Foundation
Made Known To Us
The Chief Corner Stone!

The Building Is Set In Green Pastures!
There Is Still Water Near By!
There Is The Shepherd Of Rest For Our Leading
The Comforter To Guide And Chide Us
To Bless Us E'er We Cry!

There Are Angels Excelling In Strength
To Protect Us!
You Made Them Ministering Spirits
To Those Who Will Be Salvation's Heirs!
They Are Influencers For Our Good
On The Way-Home Journey
Their Care Blesses Us For Our Eternal Good!
With Their Service To Us And For Us
With The Constant Aid Of 
The Ever-Present Holy Spirit
Evil Can Be Withstood!

There's Heaven To Gain!
There's Hell To Refuse!
There's Glory To Regain!
There's The Weight Of Sin To Lose!
There Is Good News To Be Shared!
There Are Broken Relationships To Be Repaired
There Is The Accord With Self To Attenuate
We Shall Avoid The Former Bright Star Fallen
That Is, Satan's
Known Just And Sure Fate!

When I Take Time To Think, Father
I Recognize That, Really
Truth Is Light!
Love Is Hope!
Evangelizing Is, Indeed, Co-Working
Faith Is A Much-Needed Grace Note!
With Sin Forgiven
I See The Right Way Marked! 
I Appreciate The Light Provided
I Am Supremely Grateful For
No More Walks In The Killing Dark!

Oh, Father
What A Blessing To Walk
From Sin To Salvation
From Death To Eternal Life
From  Being Helpless To Being Hope-Filled
As On The Lord Of Life We Rely!

I Bless You, Father
For Peace Rest
Grace Faith
Mercy Pardon
In This Hour
I Pray For The Brethren
So That They Don't Wait Until Judgment
To Be Sorry For Sin
Are Sorry For Known Sin Now
Will Give It To Him Who Can Make Them Clean Now!

I Pray For Us All
To Fall On The Rock Now And Be Broken
To Resist Being Presumptuous
So As Not To Be Crushed
Now Is, Indeed, The Day Of Salvation
We, For Our Soul's Prosperity
Must Willingly Worship The God Of Creation
He Who Dwells Not In Time But In Eternity
The Builder
The Redeemer
The One True God!

Father, Most Faithful
My Heart Is Well Pleased
Truly, Truly Blessed That
No Depth Is Deep Enough
No Height Is High Enough
No Retreat Far Enough
Nor Sin Bad Enough
That We Cannot Get Back To You!
I Give You All Praise!

Please Bless Us With Spiritual Eyes!
Please Bless Us With Spiritual Ears
Please Give Unto Us Hearts Of Flesh
So That By Our Reliance On The Truth
We May Escape Satan's Snares!
Help Us To Moment By Moment
Cast On You Our Cares! 

We Love You, Beloved Father
We Ask These Few Mercies
In The Holy Name Of Our Lord And Savior
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Soon Returning King
Your Only Begotten Son!

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