
Monday, January 28, 2019

Trusting Almighty God On His Promises: Courage Or Cowardice!?!

Are You Bold Enough To Be Humble!?!
Are You Weak Enough To Be Strong!?!
Have You Faith Enough To Stand In The Truth
Courage Enough On The Rock Of Ages To Fall Upon!?!

Do You Know ...

The Lord Christ
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Angels Excelling In Strength
Can Do Nothing For The One
Who Sees Self In Every Mirror He Passes Beside
More To The Point
Self Can Do Nothing To Bless Self
When Self Is Its Own Savior
The Real Savior 

Found Only In A Beautifully Bound Book
High Upon A Book Shelf
To The Self
Neither Mighty Nor Strong!

Are You Brave Enough
To Trust Almighty God On His Written Promises!?!
Are You Needy Enough
To Reach For The Outstretched Hand!?!
Are You Weary Enough Of Sin
Ready To Give Up Self
Take On Christ
By So Doing
Give Short Shrift To The Demonic Device

That Gives Mortal Life Unneeded Spice!?!

Are You Living For Self ... Now
Only To Die The Second Death
Are You Dying To Self ... Now

Sure To Live With The Lord Christ Forever
In The Land Of No Death Or Dying!?!

Are You Certain Of The Pathway Marked

Are You Stumbling Like A Drunk 
In The Light-Of-Life Obscured Sin-Filled Dark!?!

Does The Savior Personally Know Your Name
Are Your Prayers Before Him
An Abomination
An Unholy Thing
The Thing Profane!?!

Are You Aware That Soul-Salvation
A Felt Need
Are You Willing To Let The Lord Of Life
Your Hungering Soul Feed!?!

The Questions Are Outside Us!
The Answers Are Inside!
The Truth 

Christ Jesus
He In Whom Our Peace Does Abide!

What Is Your Answer!?!
Will You Choose To Believe The Promises!?!
Will You Choose To Walk Wisely With The Lord Jesus
Will You ... With The Goat
- That Pride-Filled Satan -
Continue To Go On The Merry-Go-Round's Wild Ride!?!

The Blood Of The Lord Christ
The Cleansing Tide
The Promises Are True!

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