
Saturday, February 23, 2019


Levi, Live, Vile And Evil Are Quadruplets!
They Are As Different As 
Chalk Is From Cheese
Happy Is From Sad
Wrong Is From Right
Good Is From Bad!

When They Were Born
It Was Realized That There Were Actually
Two Sets Of Twins In The Four-Pack:
Levi And Evil
Live And Vile!

As They Grew Up
It Became Clear That Vile And Evil
Were Kindred Spirits
Inseparable, Devoted
Often Decidedly Diabolical In Their Mischief!

The Years Went By In A Blur Of
Pretend Mischief And Real Mayhem With Those Two!

In The Case Of Live and Levi 
Life Was Extraordinary ... And Different And Unusual!

Live Preached Life!
Levi Prayed About The Life!
Live Sung About Lost Souls!
Levi Sought To Save Lost Souls!
Live Built Up The Body And Thrilled The Soul
Levi Brought Hope And Bought Food For 
The Helpless And Hapless
And This Was So Until One Infamous Day
Evil and Vile Played One Of Their "Nice Nasties"
Live And Levi Joined Forces!

Listen Up ...

The Song-Writer Had Stated
"Life Is To Be Lived!"
But Not Stating The "Why!?!"
Or The "How!?!"
Or Whether One Had To Take The Pill
Evil And Vile
Had Taken It Upon Themselves
To Add A "Little Spice"
An Ounce Or Three Of "Spine Chill!"
To Local Life!

Evil Took Vile's Penchant
For The Execrable, Iniquitous And Crude
With His Flair For The Fabulous
Set The "Hell-Hounds" Loose On
Poor, Unassuming, Kindly and Generous
Wilhelmina Ermintha Gertrude
The Only Decent Person In
The Town Of Craven
City Of Coward's Nest!
Population: 192 + One Eagle

Craven Was A Perfect Compliment To Coward's Nest!

I Could Say More But ... Why Bother!?!

Brazen N. Evil And His Sister
Vacuous Lee Vile
Considered Coward's Nest Their Oyster
Craven To Be Their Perfect Pearl
They Were Not Well Pleased That
Wilhelmina Ermintha Gertrude
- That Miserable Do-Gooder -
Was Into Their Illicit Profits
Creating A Dent!
They Became Seriously Bent!

How Dare She!?!

It's Like This ...

Everybody Knows That Do-Gooders
- Those Just Like Jesus ... The One Called Christ -
Had A "Nasty" Penchant For Causing
The Down-Trodden
The Disgraced
The Hapless
The Hopeless
The Helpless
From Degradation
To Do An About-Face
Those Two Harpies Brazen N. Evil And Vacuous Lee Vile
Were So Incensed By The Lights
Slowly And Intently Turning On And Brightly Beaming
That Their Mouths Were Dripping Bile!

End Result ...

They Sicced Their Tame Dogs At 
The Bureau Of Public Records
The Department Of Sanitation
Noise Abatement
Traffic Violations
The Health Department
The Internal Revenue Service
Building Code Violations
Upon Wilhelmina Ermintha Gertrude
With All To Show Up On The Same Day
For Non-Compliance
After They Had Seen Fit
To Make Truth And Light And Right
Turn Sharp Corners!

Their Actions Were The Devil's Delight!

Computers Are Programmable! 
Garbage In!?! Garbage Out!


Money Can Buy Toys
For Satan's Great Pleasure
It Can Purchase Extreme Joy!

Wilhelmina Ermintha Gertrude
Suddenly Owned Cars She Had Never Purchased
Buildings She Did Not Possess
Businesses She Hadn't Registered
She Had Unpaid Taxes For Profits She Had Not Made
Moving Violations
Parking Violations
Environmental Control Board Violations
Unpaid Parking Tickets
Tax Evasion Cases
Landlord And Tenant Court Cases
Building Code Violations
Etc., Etc. Etc.!!

Somebody Was Trying
Apparently Succeeding
At Tying Up And Burying W. E. Gertrude In Litigation!

It Was Also Being Bandied About Craven
That They Were Going To Take Old Willy Down
- Way Down -
On Racketeering And Corrupt Influence Charges
Evil And Vile Publicly Stated To All Who Would Listen That
"Only Almighty God Can Save Her!"

I Don't Know About You
But ... To Me
That Sounded Like A Bold Challenge!

Old Willy ...

Was Doing Her Usual In The Night Season
Praying And Praising
Thanking God For Jesus Christ
Blessing God For Her Blessings
Taking Her Burdens To The Lord
In The Faith Of Jesus Christ Her Savior Lord
Hope And Help
Healer And Sealer
Provider And Sustainer
Leaving Them There!

The Lord Is The Saint's Defence ...

Live And Levi ... Received The Urgent Call
With Alacrity, Answered!

Investigation Revealed Finger Prints!
Finger Prints Revealed Names!
Names Disclosed Identities!
Identities Identified Instigators
The Instigators Had Blood Ties!
Investigators And Instigators Had Blood Ties
This Time
This Time
Blood Ties Were Not Going To Suffice!

The Statement ...

"Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out!"

Comes To Mind Right About Now

"What Is For Our Good 
Is Always For The Eternal God's Glory!"

Was About To Be Shouted Out!

Evil And Vile Were Certain, Sure
- In Their Vernacular -
That They Had Wilhemina Ermintha Gertrude
By "The Fine Hairs!"
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Between Living Hell And Soul Damnation
They Were With Their Handiwork
Very Well Pleased
Until ...

The Deep Ditch They Had Dug To Swallow
Even Bury Old Willy
Had Somehow Trapped Them
Was Holding Them In Its Coldly Warm Embrace!

"Do Unto Others As You 
Would That They Should Do Unto You!"

Suddenly Comes To Mind!

Evil And Vile Cried Foul!
They Called People Skunks
Promised Vengeance
That Is When
They Saw Their Former Womb-Mates
Their Look-Alike Siblings
Live And Levi!

Give A Listen ...

What You Planned For Evil, Evil
To Leave In One's Mouth The Taste Vile, Vile
Now Fallen Upon You
As You So Richly Deserve!
You Have Been Served!
You Cannot Plant Guinea Corn And Reap Indian Corn!
Sweet Water Cannot Proceed From The Bitter Water Brook!

Truth Does Not Come From The Liar
The Lord Will Not Leave His Faithful  Children
In The Hands Of Those
Who Are Not By Truth Fed
Who Are By Satan Led!

What The Wicked Stores Up By Unfair
Even Evil Machination
Is Revealed To Be That Which Shall Be
To The Blessing Of The Children Of God
All That Is Marked
To Be For The Destruction Of The People Of God
Is That Which Shall Destroy His Minions
AndThe Wily Satan
The Known King Fraud!


The Devil Is The Liar!
His Minions Are Likewise!
Do Not Go Where They Are Leading You
They Are Adept At Spinning
Known Half-Truths And Bold Whole Lies!

Never Give Up
When So-Called "Life" Is Messing You Up!
Pray ... And Look Up!
Plead For Salvation
Do Not Give Up
The Lord To Whom You Look Up
The God You Faithfully Raise Up
The Same Lord And God
Who ... In His Time
Going To Lift You Up!

Remember! Remember!
Don't Ever Forget ...

Liars Do Not Thrive
Truth And The Truthful
Will Always Survive!

Almighty God
On His Great White Throne
Very Much Alive!

Bless Almighty God In All Things
At The Appointed Time
You Shall In Highest Heaven
Safely Arrive!

1 comment:

  1. Father, I Desire To Please Your Heart: Help Me, In All Things, To Act Faithfully And Honestly!


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