
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Behold Your God!

Behold Your God, Brethren!
He Is Gracious And Merciful!
His Coming To Earth Again!
He Is Bringing His Rewards With Him
Lest You Forget
His Work Is Before Him:
His Strange Work!

Exactly What Do You Mean By
"His Strange Work!?!"

Who Is Our God!?!

He Is The Life-Giver!

What Is Our God!?!

He's The Jealous God!

What's He Jealous For Or About!?!

He's Jealous For His Name
His Glory Aka His Character
His Worship
His Praise
He Will Not Share What Is His With Another!

I Don't See Anything Strange About That!
Where's The Strange Part!?!

He's Coming To Clean House!
He's Going To Fix 
- Glorify, Immortalize And Make Incorruptible -
The Wittingly, Willingly, Wisely
Fallen-On-The-Rock And Broken Faithful
He Is Going To Destroy
The Proud, Presumptuous
Willingly Sinful Ungodly!

He Is Life
It Is Not His Will That Anyone Should Be
To The Eternal Kingdom, Lost!
The Work Of Destruction
The Strange Work!

Forget That!
Tell Me Why Would Anyone Choose To Be Lost!?!

Ah, My Young Friend!
You Have Glommed On 
To The Crux Of The Matter: CHOICE!

Everything That Pertains To Soul Salvation
A Choice!
Everything That Pertains To Soul Damnation
A Choice!

So What About If I Don't Decide To Make A Choice!?!

That's Not Going To Work In Your Favor!

Huh!?! How So!?!

No Choice Is A Choice
If You Do Not Choose Life
- Stating Clearly Your Position For Life -
You Have Made Your Position Clear That
You Do Not Value:
  • The Life You Have
  • The Life Promised To Believers
  • The Life-Giver
  • The Promise Purchased With Innocent Blood

What You're Actually Saying Is That
The Lover Of Your Soul
Your Creator, Savior
Your Redeemer, Friend
Does Not Have ... The Power
You're Going To "Trust" Your Future
To Whatever Is ... Out There!

Wait, Wait, Wait!
Let Me Correct Myself!
We Already Know What Is Out There:
  • Eternal Life Or Eternal Death
  • Jesus Christ Or Satan
  • Blessing Or Cursing
  • Truth Or Error
  • Light Or Darkness
  • Confess And Repent Or Hide And Presume
  • The Narrow Way Or The Broad Way
  • Trust And Obey Or Distrust And Disobey
  • Believe And Live Or Disbelieve And Die
  • Hope And Glory Or Doubt And Destruction

Those Are Some Serious Options!

As You Can Clearly See
Everything In This Life
It Is Never
- Nor Will It Ever Be -
Either, Or, Or Or! 

There Are Only Two Positions! 

You're Either With The Lord And Against Satan
You're With Satan And Against God!

If You Don't Say You Position
You've Made Your Decision!

So That's Why The Bible Says That
We Must Confess That Christ Is Lord!

You Only Confess What You Believe To Be Truth Or True!
If You Can't Or Won't Say It
It's Because You Don't Believe It
The Lord Has Nothing For Doubters!

There Is No Neutrality In The Kingdom Of God!

You've Got It In One!

You Know ... I Like That!
I Really Like That!
It Tells Me Plainly That
We Can Depend On Our Almighty God!

Strong Position, Unshakeable, Firm
Same Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
He Is The Rock, Never A Worm!

So, Brethren,
How Will You Stand!?!
How Do You Stand!?! 

Will You Look Up To The Lord Christ And Live
Will You Roll With The Changeable Tide
On The Broken Barge Delay And Decay
Take The Journey To Destruction
For Your Own Soul's Salvation
You Did Not Care Enough To Choose
Christ's Glory To Share!?!

If You Believe The Word Of God Is True
Preserve Your Integrity
Send Your Word To Your God, Holy
As You Stand Up To Be Counted For Jesus Christ The Lord!
There Will Be Precious, Everlasting, Rewards
For The Faithful, Enduring-All Child Of 
The Holy God!


  1. To God Be The Glory For The Things That He Does For Us Each And Every Day Without Fail, Without Requests Being Made, Without The Simple But Oh, So, Effective "Thank You, Lord!" Being Uttered! Have Mercy On Us, Lord, In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!

  2. barbadollies Absolutely the Truth
    Excellent Post/ Good Words.


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