
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Deny The Liar!

Consistent, Persistent
Resistant And That's A Shame
Were Having A Conversation About Faith
With Bertie Profane!

First Things First ...

Bertie Profane
Was Like The Vain Over-Reaching Mrs. Bucket
Who Pronounced Her Name As
Mrs. Bouquet! 
Bertie Profane Professionally Pronounced His Name As
Bertram "Bertie" Profanay!

By Way Of "Occupation"
He Was Satan's Henchman Dockie Drew's Man O' Business
His Fixer
His Friend
He Was Full Of Himself
He Showed It To Everybody That Was Anybody!
He Did Not Need A Cue!

Today Was A Big Day ...

As Already Explained
He Was Having A Having-Out With The Do-Gooders
Consistent, Persistent
That's A Shame
He Was Being True To His True Name
Acting Truly Profane!

He Refused To Agree To Anything They Said
Even If It Was Plainly Shown Him In The Good Book!

Things Went On Like This For A Bit
Until The Conversation Turned To The Adversary
On The Issue Of "Associating" With That Devil Aka Satan
Consistent Consistently
- In Jesus Christ's Holy Name -
Did Satan's Self-Willed Ways Deny!
Persistent Persisted In Saying: 

"Deny The Liar! 
Let The Lord's Name Be Glorified!" 
No Shock
Resistant Showed God-Fearing Resistance
By The Holy Spirit's Assistance!

And, Who Do We Have Next ...

Bertie Profane
- Never A Believer In Anything That
He Could Not Physically See, Taste, Feel
Touch, Hear Or Roll Over -
True To His Name 
Boldly Asked:

Who Do You Think You're Fooling With That Crap!?! 

To Which That's A Shame Was Heard Saying:

That's A Shame That You Believe The Devil 
When You Know Of A Surety That He Always Lies!

Hear That Profane Bertie Speak:

Truth! Lies!
Lies! Truth!
Six Ah One And Half Dozen O' The Other!
Turn Off The Light
Yuh Cahn Tell One From The Other!

In Perfect Unison ...

Consistent, Persistent
Resistant And That's A Shame
Answered Him Quite Plainly:

May The Lord Have Mercy On Your Soul!
What A Bill Of Goods
The Devil To You Has Sold!
Try To Think For Yourself!
Turn Away From The Devil Cold
Repair Unto Christ Jesus ... Right Now
He Will Receive You!
Be Bold!

The Devil Is A Liar And A Murderer, Too!
He Has No Love For Man
That Includes You!
Easy Road Is Never Easy
The Piece Of Cake Isn't Always Sweet
So Stop Trying To Be A Hard Case
Before The Lord
Bend Your Knees!

Well, All I Will At This Point Is This:

All Who Choose The Liar's Ways
The Arch-Liar's Share, Share!

Bertie Profane Walked Away Cursing
The Do-Gooders
Their God
Their Good Book
Well Satisfied With His Day's Work
Not Caring That
He Was Grieving The Holy Spirit Away!

He Has Built His Life On Indulging
The Sin Of Presumption
He Thinks It Is Funny
The Lord Of Glory To Dare!


The Holy Spirit Calls
As Long As There Is Someone Who Will Answer
While The Cup Of Iniquity Is Not Yet Full
So Be Very, Very, Careful That
You Do Not Go The Way Of Satan
Putting Yourself 
Of The Possibility Of 

Please Understand ...

There Is Nothing Worse Than
Calling For Mercy When The Door Of Grace

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Help Me To Keep My Eyes On My Hope For Glory: Jesus Christ The Lord In Me!


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