
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Godliness: Gain

I Must Correct You, Brother!
You Are Speaking A Word That Is Error!

Godliness With Contentment Comes Before Gain!
Gain Is Not The Mark Of Godliness
Neither Is Penury The Mark Of Sinfulness!

Excuse Me!?!
I Do Not Recall Giving You Leave To Correct Me!
This Is My Church!
I Am The Pastor Here!
Touch Not The Lord's Anointed!

Yet, Again
I Must Correct You, Brother!
The Building May Be Yours
The Church Belongs To
Is Purchased, Protected And Cherished
By Jesus Christ The Lord
You Were Not Appointed Or Anointed 
To The Ministry Of The Pure Gospel
To Teach Error To The People Of God!

Sit Down And Be Quiet
Or I Will Have You Forcibly Removed!
You Are A Troubler Of These Simple People!

Am I Now Your Enemy
Because I Choose To Speak The Truth That
The Living God Loves!?!
Am I A Troubler Of These Simple People
- Your Words -
I Do Not Choose To Countenance
Your Half-Truths Which Are Outright Lies!?!

The Word Of The Living God Is, Yes, Simple
Simple Enough For Simple People
Even Children To Understand
You Have No Right
- Nor Authority -
To Encourage The People Of God
To Set Aside The Lord's Truth
For The Lying And Corrupt Words Of
An Unregenerate Christian
A Soul Who Does Not Believe
Nor Is Affected By The Good Word 
Which He Is To Unpolluted Preach!

Now Be So Bold As To Please 
Leave This Hallowed Chamber
And Do Not Ever Return Again!

As You Desire, Brother
Before I Depart
I Shall Shine Light In This Encroaching
Engrossing Darkness:

Brethren, Beloved
Please Listen Unto Me!
The Word Of God 
Must Not Be Interpreted By Man
Looking To Gain A Famous Name!

The King James Bible
The Preserved Word Of God
Its Own Interpreter
The Rule Is Simple:

Precept Upon Precept
Precept Upon Precept
Line Upon Line
Line Upon Line
Here A Little, There A Little
By Two Or Three Witnesses
Let A Matter Be Established! 
You Must Not Build A Doctrine On One Bible Text!

I Will Have You To Know That
The Lord God Almighty Gave Me An Agile 
And Creative-Thinking Brain 
To Do His Holy Work As I See Fit!

The Lord God Almighty
Did Not Give You An Agile Brain
To Pervert His Words!
You, Sir
Are Changing The Word Of God
That Makes You A Liar
For That Sin
The Lord Rebuke You!

Brethren, Please Read The Bible For Yourself
Please Pray For The Holy Spirit's Guidance
When You Read That Living Word!
Let The Everlasting Teacher
- The Spirit Of Truth -
Teach You
You Won't Be Led Astray
By Those Who Are Members Of 
The Disobedient Wild Goat Herd!

Please Do Not Indulge In Sowing Seeds
- That The Lord Did Not Ask You To Sow -
To Wicked Men Who Only See You As Their 
Personal Cash Dispensers!
They Do Not Have Your Eternal Interests At Heart
From This Den Of Iniquity
- That Is This Den Raised Upon Planned Sin -
Please See That You Depart!

Please Let The 
"Thus Saith The Lord!" 
Guide You!
See That You Follow The Lord Christ
Not The Cult Of Personality Of Fallen Man!

Walk Away From This Hireling Shepherd
This Bold Worker Of Iniquity
Or You Shall Not
On Zion's Table-Land By Right, Stand!

Know This:

1. Jesus Christ, Alone, Saves!
Not The Pastor, Preacher, Pope, President
Prince Nor Parent!

Only Jesus Christ Saves
That According To His Sovereign Will
In His Holy Way!
He Will Never Save You In Sin
Nor Save You For You To Keep Sinning!
Jesus Christ Saves You From Your Personal Sin!

2. Do Not Indulge In The Sin Of Presumption!
Indulging In Accepting 
Performing Based On A Known Lie 
Bold Sin
The Lord Will Not Bless You 
While You Are Willfully Sinning!

I Offer You A Note Of Caution:

There Are Many "Blessed" People 
Who Don't Even Recognize That 
Their Cherished Blessing
The Means Through Which They Shall Be Cursed!

Please Keep Your Eyes 
Fixed And Focused On Judge Jesus
Your Hands In The Hands Of The Able Savior Jesus!

3. The Holy Bible Is No Good For You
What Is In The Holy Bible Is Not Inside Of You!

Do Not Just Be A Hearer Of The Living Word!
Do Those Things Which Will Ever Please The Lord!
Serve The Lord In Righteousness
Remember That The Hand Of Man
A Very Poor Thing In The Day Of Battle!

I Will Pray For The Light Of Life
To Illuminate The Way Of Grace For All Of You!

1 comment:

  1. The Truth Of The Holy God Does Not Benefit From Deceitful Man's Application Of Color, Polish Nor Spin! Truth ... IS! Thank You, Lord!


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