
Friday, March 1, 2019


... Everything Was Going Wrong
And She Asked Him About Help
About What To Do
And He Told Her

That Didn't Go Over Very
And She Was Totally Ticked Off!

She Blew Up And Behaved Like
A Boiling Whistling Kettle!

Wait, A Minute!
Why Would She Be Angry!?!
What Was Wrong About What He Said!

She Knew What He Meant
She Did Not Want To Believe That 
She Only Had To Lean On Jesus
Step Out In Faith
So, Being Convicted Of Her Sin
In A Last-Ditch Effort At Saving Face
She Lashed Out! 
She Had Forgotten That Faith, Works!

She Was, Well, Let's Just Say
Impolitely Mean!

But What About That Code He Gave Her!?!
What About RSS3H-S!?!
What Does It Mean!?!

Brethren, Beloved
Ye Children Of The Holy God!
Fret Not Thyself Over Trials And Troubles!
We Serve The One Living God
He's Not A Fraud!

We Are Not To Be Comforted By Cunningly-Devised Fables!
We Are Not To Find Comfort In Fallen Man!
We Are Not To Be Afraid Of That Dealer In Death And Destruction
We Depend On The Creator
The Savior
The Redeemer
The Forever Friend
The Holy Son Of Almighty God
The Faithful Son Of Man!

We Have Omniscience On Our Side!
On Omnipotence, We Rely!
Omnipresence Is Here ... Don't Fear!
Look Up To Hill Zion!
Keep Climbing Jacob's Ladder
Rest In The Knowledge That
Our Father Feels Everything We Feel
For Us All
He Does Sacrificially, Lovingly, Totally, Take Care!

Almighty God Is
So, Be Still!
Almighty God Can Help
He Does!
He Is The Sure Refuge For Us Children Made Of Dust!
He Placed The Breath Of Life Within Us!
We Live Because He Does
So, Fear Not!
Worry Not!
Trust His Care!
Believe His Love!

Brethren, Beloved
Almighty God Is
So, In This Trying Hour
Hold On To Him Who - For You - Died 
And, YetIs Alive!

Trust His Heart
Not Your Ears, Your Feelings
Nor Your Eyes
Trust And Praise 
- Not The Man-Made "Gods" Of Paper, Plaster, Plastic
Wood, Metal, Stone, Nor The God-Fraud, Nor The Man-gods -
The Living God Of Heaven
Who Can Never, Ever, Lie
Be Still ...!

... But What About The Code!?!
Jesus Christ Is RSS3H-S!

For All Of Us Who Will Believe
Jesus Christ
R efuge ... In - Not From - The Storms Of Life
S hield ... Against The Known Enemy
S trong-Tower ... He Protects His Own
H aven ... For True Peace And Rest
H ope ... When Earthly Hope Is Gone
H elp ... That Is Always Sufficient, And
S alvation ... He, Alone, Utterly Saves

RSS3H-S Really Is Jesus Christ The Lord!
I Like It!

Don't Just Like It!
Remember To Remember It ... Always!
Jesus Christ Saves!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Dear Lord, For Your Wonderful Blessings Daily Showered Upon Me! I Give You Praise!


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