
Friday, March 22, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + RISE UP: Descend Into Prayer! + PRAYER: I Come To You, Dear Father ...!

Repair Unto Prayer
Each And Every Day!
Moment By Moment
Rest Assured
That He Who Made And Sustains You
Does For Your Purchased Soul Care!

Do Not Fret About Your Problems!
Do Not Fret Because Of Your Foes!
Do Not Fret Because By Satan You're Bedevilled!
Almighty God Is In Control!
The Gifts Of Grace And Mercy Are Fully Yours!

Believe And Trust The Lord!
There Is Power In Prayer!
The Prayer Of Faith Will Move Your Mountains
According To His Will
Always In His Way!

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget:

The Prayer Of Faith
Unselfish, Heartfelt
Always Answered
Even If The Answer
"Not Yet!"

And, Also

Remember The Journey Of Paul
Saint, Apostle
Champion For The Holy God
Whose Received Answer
To His Heart's Sincere Prayer Was 

"Do Not Ask Again!

My Grace Is Sufficient For You!"

So, Brethren, Beloved
If The Answer Received
Is Not The Answer You Want
Remember That He Who Loves You
Did Not Withdraw From His Only Begotten Son
The Vile
The Bitter Cup!

Jesus Christ Emerged From Hell
Rose To Heaven
Leaving Behind For Us Who Trust
Worship And Obey His Voice
The Perfect Example To Follow!

Read Your Holy Bible And ... Pray!
Pray And Walk Upright
On The Holy Way
No Matter What Life Throws In Your Pathway
Live Victoriously In Christ Jesus!
Lift Yourself Up By God's Available Grace!
Always Wholeheartedly Descend Into Prayer
Which Always Rises Up To Him
Who, For You ... Me, Too
Does Sacrificially Care!

Did You Pray The Prayer Of Faith Today!?!

What Are You Waiting For!?!
Go On!
Bless The Lord With A Prayer!


I Come Because I Know You Love Me
And Because You Said
Come Boldly To The Throne Of Grace
To Find Help In The Time Of Need!

I Love You, Father
We Need Help!

Lives Are Being Taken Like Free Candy!
The Rulers Seem To Be The Young!
The Leaders Are Eating For Drunkenness
And Not For Strength
Constant Chaos Is The Beverage Of Choice 

In The Nations All Around!

Love Approved Is Eros!
Agape Love Is Known Vain!
Love Of Money Is Amazingly Bold!

Everybody And His Mother Wants Gold
Truth May Be Purchased
On The Stock Brokers' Exchange

Money-Men Have Hearts Known Cold!

What Is Right Is Wrong!
What Is Wrong Is Strong!
What Is Weak Is Disposable
The Defense Of The Unborn
Is Considered Execrable!

To The Learned, The Enlightened
The Hireling Shepherds Amongst Us
Jesus Christ Is Not The Answer At All
Those Amongst That Are The Faithful
Are Being Looked Upon As Incorrigible

The Dominion Of The Damned One
Is Seeking Already
Innocents Lives To Do Away!

Oh, Lord
Please Hear My Cry, My Prayer!
How Long, Dear God 
Before From This Shambles We Will Fly Away!?!

I Know Your Word Is True!
I Know That What You Say You Will Do
You Will Do!
I Know That You Are The On-Time God
That You Have Already Sealed The Fate Of 
Satan The Wannabe God!

Please, As You Have Promised
Correct Us!

Direct Us!
Protect Us Through The Strife
Bless Us With All Blessing To Take Hold
- Unbreakable Hold -
On The Purchased Eternal Life!

We Are Of Mortal Frame, Corruptible

Deceitful Of Heart
Our Sin-Nature Is Bold!
Please Help Us, In The Name Of The Holy Jesus
To Remain Sheltered In The Safe Sheep Fold!

Please Help Us Not To Doubt
Not To Lose Faith
Not To Trust Our Eyes! 
Help Us, I Beseech You
Not To Fall For Satan's Bold Lies!

Please Help Us To Think Always On Jesus!
Help Us To Honor Him Gladly
Worship Him Faithfully

With Alacrity
The Still Small Voice To Obey
Help Us To Be Fearless, Bold
To Sound The Battle Cry
Alerting All To The Fact That
The Enemy Is Around
Within The Camp!

Please Help Us
The Hand Of The Majesty Of Heaven
Wittingly, Wisely
Wantonly To Take Hold!

We Know The King Is Coming!
Oh, That The Church Militant
Would Fulfil The Commission
Tear Down The Strongholds Of The Enemy
Who Is Dressed And Speaks As A Friend
When His Sole Desire Is To Destroy Souls
Without Measure
Without End!

I Have This Hope
As I Walk The Lonesome Road
As I Take The Narrow Path Known Strait:
Jesus Christ Saves ... To The Uttermost!

Jesus Christ Is My One Hope For Glory!
Jesus Christ Is My Only Savior Redeemer King!
Jesus Christ Has Already Won The Battle
The War
The Proof Of His Victory
His Touchable Marred Head Hands Feet
And His Pierced-Side Scar!

Jesus Christ Is Alive!

I Need You, Father!
We Need You, Blessed God!
Help Us To Stand Firm
In The Faith Of Christ Jesus!

We Long With You To Forever Abide!

Our Hands Are Extended
Eager To Receive The Promised
Enduring-Saints' Reward

So, Please Come For Us Soon, Dear Father!
We Ask These Few Blessings
In The Great Name
Your Beloved Only Begotten Son
Jesus Christ The King!

1 comment:

  1. Blessed Is The People That Know The Joyful Sound: Jesus Christ Saves! Help Us To Walk Uprightly In The Glorious Presence!


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