
Sunday, March 3, 2019

In Your Longing For The Lord Jesus ...!

Read Your Bible, Brethren!
See To It That You Pray!
Share The Gift That The Gift
Gifted To You!
Spread Your Light Everywhere!

Wait Upon The Lord, Brethren!
Listen To The Truth Prayerfully!
Watch And Pray, I Beseech You
For The Coming Of Our Lord Is Very Near!

The End Of All Things Is Coming!
Be Serious About Your Walk With The Lord!
Have Your Priorities Ordered
Breathe Deeply In Communion With Our God!

Be Enthusiastic In Your Longing For Jesus!
Be Enthusiastic For The Kingdom To Come!
Be Enthusiastic In Your Sharing Of The Gospel
Be Enthusiastic To Expose The Lies Of The Fraud!

Be Eager In Doing The Lord's Bidding!
Be Watchful And Diligently Work!
Be Prayerful And Patiently Wait
In The Name Of Christ Jesus
Be Not Be A Laodecian At The Gate
If You Already Have All In The World That You Need
The Lord Has Nothing For You
You Will Suffer The Lost Man's Fate!

Be Ye Anxious For Nothing!
We Are Kept By The Power Of The Living God!
Lean, Dear Ones, On The Lord Of Life
Who Has Promised 
Will Deliver Unto You 
The Blessed And Sweet Reward!

Please, I Beseech You ...

Witness To Others Of The Eternal God's Love!
Witness To Yourself Of What He Did For You
Yesterday And Today, Even Right Now!
Let Your Faith Feed
On Him Who Sees To All Your Needs
Give As You Have Received!
See That You Praise The Holy God
And Not 
The Known Wily Fraud!

We Can Hasten The Coming Of The Lord!
Go Ye Into All The World
The Good News Gospel Teach!
Baptise The Called Brethren
In The Godhead's Name
Soon, Soon, Soon
You Shall Be Lifted Up
Out Of The Realm Of Fallen Man's Shame!

The Day Of Our Translation
To Be Ever With The Lord Of Life
Fast Approaching!
Work, Watch
Pray Always
That You May Be Found Clean
In The Eyes Of The Holy God
Counted Worthy

To Escape The Plagues On The Lost!


Is Jesus Christ The Righteous
Of Your Whole Life
The Only Boss!?!

If, At This Time, He Is Not
Please Reckon What Will Be Lost!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Please Grant Unto Me Wisdom And Understanding So That I May Stand Firm In The Faith Of The Holy Jesus!


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