
Thursday, March 14, 2019

LIVING BY FAITH: The Black Door!?!

Are Your, Christian, Brave Enough
To Walk Through The Black Door
With The Lord Christ!?!
Are You Willing To Face The Unknown
That The Eternal God
Will Never Fool You
Or Utilize The Satanic Device!?!

Are You Willing To Commit Your Will
Your Walk
Your Way
Your Work
Into The Hand Of The Omniscient God
That With Him In Charge
The Rugged Way You Will Have To Follow
The Way Not Sinful
Not Perverse!?!

Are You Self-Confident And Doubtful Of
The One Who Is The Truth
Are Confident And Trusting Enough
To Let Go Of Self
Confess Sin ... And Repent
Let The Lord Christ Control
The Moments, The Minutes
The Hours, The Days
The Years Of The Life From Sin
Now Being Lived To Reverse The Curse!?!

The Blackness Of The Unknown
May Seem Fearful
It Shouldn't Be When Your Leader, Your Guide
The Light Of The World
The Way To Salvation
The Truth For The Ages
The Only One Able
To Ensure That You To The Promised Land
Safely Get Home!

Bright And Broad Ways
Known Roads, Walkways And Pathways Plain
May Offer Comfort In The Familiar Scenes
Lead To Destruction
Compliments Of The One Familiar Liar!
That Ways Always Leads To Things Dire!

Trust The Lord!
Trust The Word!
Trust The Walk!
Trust The Way!
Trust The Love!
Trust The Power
Do Not Before The Unknown Cower
For He Who Made You
Also Made All Things
It Is He Who Is The King Of Everything!

If The Creator Cannot Carry You Safely
To Your Heavenly Destination
Rest Assured, Brethren
There Is No Destination To Be Arrived At!

The Facts Are Plain ...

The Lord Of Life Cannot Lie!
Trust Him At His Holy Word
The Lying Devil, Defy
Walk Safely ... Though Tried And Tested
In The Fullness Of Time ... Soul Perfected
You Will To Highest Heaven
Be Among The Faithful Ones Elected!

Be Wise Unto Your Own Soul's Salvation:
Take The Black Door
- The Way Unknown -
With The Eternal God
The Returning King
The Judge Of All Flesh
The Rewarder Of Every Man
The One Who For You Died
The Lord Jesus Christ!

Don't Be Fooled!
Don't Trust Your Carnal Eyesight!
Looks Are Deceiving:
The Black Door
Is Always Situated Across From
A Brightly, Gaily, Lit And Decorated Glass Door!

Live By Faith!

1 comment:

  1. Father, By Your Great Grace, I Have Received The Gift Of Daily Faith! Please Bless Me To Live And Walk And Rest In The Faith Of The Lord Jesus So That I May Be Eternally Blessed!


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