
Wednesday, April 24, 2019


A Living Seed Is Dead!
It Has No Way To Breed Life
When That Seed, Planted, Dies
It Becomes Alive
It Shall Bear Much Fruit
Out Of Its "Head!"

When That Seed Dies
It Cannot Live Again As That Seed
It Goes Through The Transformation
With The Creator God Holding The Lead!

Do Not Think This Thing Strange!
Nothing Has Life In Or If Itself!
If The Lord Decides That Nothing Shall Grow
There Is No Created Being
Who Can Open That Closed Door!

We Would Do Well
As The Servants Of The Lord
To Ever Look To Him
For Direction, Correction And Protection
It Does Us No Good
Like The Babel-Tower Babylonians
To Side-Step The Will Of God
To Protect Our Own Selves
From The Possibility Of Another Flood!

When We Walk According To The Will Of The Holy God
We Cannot Ever Be Manipulated
By The Wiles Of Our Adversary, King Fraud
Who Sought His Own Way
Refusing To Grow Where He Was Planted
Ended Up Being Uprooted
From Highest Heaven Being Transplanted!

A Seed Planted
Fulfilling The Will, Will Grow
Any Not Submissive To The Will Won't Grow
Their Lot Is To Be Consumed
The End Of Which They Won't Know!

Bow, Don't Burn!
Live, And Grow!
Produce Fruit Fit For The Garners Of The King
In The Day Of Harvest Celebration
Over You
The King, Welcoming
Shall Royally Sing!
To The Majesty Of Heaven, Brethren
For Dear Life, Cling!

Do You Desire To Ascend To The Heights Of Glory?
Die To Self ... Daily!

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Help Me To Daily Deny Self So That I May Grow In Grace In The School Of Jesus Christ The Lord!


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