
Friday, April 26, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + United To The King!

Among Those Who Call Themselves
The People Of God
Are Cherish And True Humility
Humble Isda Way
Sin Doan Pay! 

They Are All Made Out Of Clay
Have The Breath Of Life
Believe The Word Of God
Desire The Sure Reward
Are Bold Adversaries Of Satan The Father Liar
The Known Adversary Of
Every Living Soul!
Heaven Is Their Heart's Goal!

From His Constant Harping
Underhanded Entreaties
Backhanded Compliments
The Occasional ... Often
Searing Attack
They Look To Jesus Christ
And Not At Those Things Which Are Behind Their Backs!

They Experience A Whole Lotta Flack
To The Master
The Savior
The Forever Friend
They Are Umbilical-Cord Attached!

Withersoever He Goes
They Go
They Are Never Forsaken
Never Alone!

Did I Tell You That Their Father Is
Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent
He Feels Everything, Too!?!

He Is Spirit
He Is Life!
He Is Hope, Help 
He Cries
He Cannot Lie!

These Remnant Few Have Chosen His Life ... Eternal
For Their Eternal Portion
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Adversary Of Souls
The Liar Bold
He Who Gives Unto Men
The Deceitful Bow
Has Sent Out Against Them
The Marked-For-Death Bulletin!

I'm Ashamed To Say It
Even Small Fry Have Taken To Standing 
In Front Of Their Homes

Bring 'e Out! 
Pull' e Out! 
Bus' 'e Tail!
He Ain't Good Enough Fuh Jail!

Sigh ...

Hatred Is Such A Bitter Emotion
That We Would Do Well To Understand 
Why The Master Said:


The Problem Is That
They Reside In The Realm Own Way, Every Day, In The World
Their Straight Talk
Straight Walk 
Inflexible Stance On Almighty God's Truth
Serve As A Bold Affront To The Side-Winders
Who Are Fawning Over The Fiend
- Bossman Base -
Who Hates, Hates And Humiliates
Son-Bright, Living-Light Shiny
Pure And Clean!

These Faithful Ones Shine Light In The Darkness!
Their Feet Lovingly Caress The Narrow Way
They Refuse To Sin
They Personally Know Him Who
For All Sin Pays
They Are Vociferously, Patiently, Enduringly
Looking And Longing For The Great Day!

They Do Not Countenance
Own-Sin Self-Pay
They Don't Follow Fashion
Nor Are They Wage-Slaves
To Fallen Man's Useless Rounds Of
Ceremonies And Can't-Save-The-Soul Traditions!

They Are Up-Stream Swimmers
In The Down-Stream Lake
That Is The Closest That They'll Ever Come
To The Fire And Brimstone Lake!
They Don't Treat With The God-Fake
Who Wants Them
The True And Living God To Forsake!

When Jesus Christ 
Your Portion
The World Can Keep Its Cheap Songs
Soon-Rusty Crowns!
We May Suffer At Satan's Base Frown
Thank God For Christ Jesus
The Day Of Redemption 
Coming ... Heralded
By The Arch-Angel's Loud Trumpet Sound!

The Question ...

On Which Side Of Eternity
I Plainly Ask You, Brethren
Will You Be Ultimately Found!?! 

I Pray That You Do Not Permit
Any Created Being Bold
To Steal Your Crown Of
Imperishable Gold!
Please, I Beseech You
Stay In The Blessed Shepherd's
Safe Sheep Fold!

If You Are Thirsty ... Jesus!
If You Are Hungry ... Jesus!
If You Feel Weak ... Jesus!
If You Lack Knowledge ... Jesus!
If You Are Blind ... Jesus!
If You Are Deaf ... Jesus
If You Really Want To Know The Time ... Jesus!
Whatever The Manner Of The Matter To You
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
The Lord Christ
The Savior Of Every Man
The Redeemer Of Those
Who On Almighty God's Truth
** Choose **
Faithfully To Stand
Will Succor You: He Is The Son Of God
The Returning Son Of Man!
Boldly Take His Outstretched Hand!
He Is Leading The Willing
To The Heavenly Land!

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Help Me To Give You Thanks And Praise Each And Every Day While I Yet Live Because No One Can Thank And Praise You In The Grave, Man's Appointed Long Home!


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