
Monday, April 22, 2019

MAN MUST MAKE HIS OWN DECISION: The Trumpet Shall Sound And ...!

Every Man, Woman, Child
Must His Own Decision Make!

We ... Of The Household Of Faith
We're Listening For The Lord Of Life's Lone Trumpet! 

True, But Most Of The Nations' People Are Listening 
To The Enthralling, Encompassing, Orchestral Arrangement Of 
The Lost And Dying World!

We Do Not Dress, Walk
Or The Same Language Speak
For Their Customs And Practices Of 
Satan's Stench
Does Overwhelmingly Reek!

The Lord Said: 
Satan Says: 

The Lord Says: 
"Sanctify Yourself!" 
Satan Says: 
"Satisfy The Royal We!"

The Lord Says: 
"Confess, And Of Known Sin, Repent!" 
Satan Says: 
"Fornicate, Adulterate, Abominate
For You Will Soon Have Another Lent!"

The Lord Says: 
"Guard Your Heart!" 
Satan Says: 
"Let Everyone His Own Heart Regard!"

The Lord Says: 
"Invite The Holy Spirit
Your Daily Life To Lead!"

Satan Says: 
"Ingest The Spirits 
And As A Profligate You Will Succeed!"

The Lord Says: 
"Look Up And Live!" 
Satan Says: 
"Look Around And Live It Up!"

The Lord Says: 
"Have Faith!" 
Satan Says: 
"Have Faith, Fanny, Felicia
Felicity, Frank, Francis And Felix!"

The Lord Says: 
"Come Before Me 
And Worship And Bow Down!"
Satan Says: 
"Worship Before Me! Bow And Come Down!"

The Word Of The Lord
Plain And Straight!
The Word Of Satan 
Follows The Path Of The Accursed Snake!

The Word Of The Lord
The Truth
Is The Light That Gives Life!

The Word Of Satan
The Lie That Benights
Always Embroils One In Sure
Damnable Strife!

The Lord Jesus Christ Lives Forever!
Satan Shall Die Forever!

The Lord Jesus Christ Offers Glory
For Me And For Thee!
Satan Promulgates Heresy That 
Damns Himself
Every Believing-As-He-Does Body!

Jesus Christ The Lord ... Always Saves
Always Will
Those Repentant Ones Who To Him
Their Broken Lives Give!

Satan The Piercing Serpent Cannot, Will Not, Save
He Takes His Perverse Pleasure 
From Knowing That He Wantonly Hope Kills!
He Always, Always, The Unwary Soul Destroys!

Choices, Chances
Fate Or Faith
Doubt, Disbelief, Trust:
We Need Truth 
So That With This Life 
We May Hope To Cope!

Man Must Make His Decision
For Good ... For Life
Or For Self ... 
To Live In Sin
It Is Certain That
Not Almighty God On Heaven's Throne
Nor Satan Bound For Hell
Can Stay Nor Steer The Decision!

The Bottom Line ...

Choosing Life Everlasting
Everlasting Separation From Almighty God
The Known Sinner's  
Private, Personal, Uncoerced, Decision!

1 comment:

  1. All Of The Promises Of Almighty God, Through Jesus Christ The Righteous, Are True! Thank You, Jesus!


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