
Saturday, April 6, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Worry!?! + PRAYER: I Desire To Please You, Father!

You Look So Different!
What's Your Secret!?!

It's No Secret!
I Quit My Work Three Weeks, Four Days

And Fourteen Hours Ago!

What Do You Mean You Quit Your Work!?!
I Saw You On The Job ... In The Distance
Up To Yesterday!

I, Sure Enough, Did Quit
And I Am Fitter
And Fatter
And More Peaceful
And More Rested
And Busier Than Ever!
And ... I'm Loving It!

Hold On, Missy!
You Need To Explain This!

I Quit Going Into Work At The Yoke Manufacturing Plant!
I Quit Working At Worry!
I Suddenly Remembered That
- It Was Brought To My Mind  -
Worry Is An Unnecessary Job! 

Worry Makes Life Harder
The Problems More Severe
Manufactures Heavier Burdens
Making Everything Twice What They Need To Be
Says Plainly To The Burden Bearer:

Your God Can't Help You!
Enjoy The Load! 
Settle In! 
Be Comfy!

Merciful Powers!

It's True!
I Was Weary With Worry!
I Was In The Class Called Standard Of The World!
I Walked World!
I Spoke Christian!
I Was Singing Hymns And Psalms
And, YetI Was In The Service Of Sin!
I Had Desires Above Loving The Son Of Man!

I Had Become Proficient In 
The Customs Of Practicing Worry
I Had Been Perplexing My Mind
At How I Could Get Things
- My Lustful Desires -
Fulfilled In A Real Hurry!

I Was Like The Hamster On The Wheel
Running, Running ...!

... And Going Nowhere Real Fast ...!

... And Having All Day To Get There!

What Opened Your Eyes!?!
What Made You Get Off The Wheel!?!
What Caused You The Job Of Worry To Quit!?!

It Was Really Quite Amazing, And I Quote:

I Will Not Leave You Nor Forsake You! 

I Will Not Leave You Comfortless! 
I Will Not Leave You Alone! 
I Number The Hairs On Your Head! 
You Are Worth More Than The Sparrow!
You Are In My Heart! 
I Think On You! 
Your Name Is Engraved
On The Palm Of My Hand! 
I Am Preparing A Place For You:
Do Not Let Worry Stay You From On Your Lot 
Being Able To Stand! 
Precious Child! 
Cease Your Worry! 
Take My Extended Hand!

I Took The Extended-To-Me Hand!
I Accepted The Hand Of Mercy!
I Accepted The Living Holy Word!
I Cast Away My Idols:
  • Self 
  • Self-Service
  • Self-Sufficiency
  • Self-Aggrandizement
  • Pride And Vanity

I, Repentant
Clothed Myself In Plain Humility! 

I Humbled Myself Before The Holy Son Of God
The Returning Son Of Man!

How Did That Feel!?!

Funny ... At First
Then Fabulous! 

My Jesus
- My Master -
Unfailingly Takes Care Of Me ... Old, Simple, Me!
I Now Daily Take Up My Cross With My Left Hand
He Leads Me By My Right Hand!
With Him Leading
I Shall On The Mount Zion
Among The Redeemed Brethren
Immortalized, Incorruptible
Glorified ... Grateful And Blessed Forever
In Triumph Stand!

Would You Introduce Me To The Son Of Man!?!

Absolutely! I Sure Enough Can!


Please Help Me, Dear Father!
I Am Calling Out To You!
Help Me To Rest In The Shadow Of Your Wings
So That I, Sinner-Repentant
Will Always Be Close To You!

I Pray For Soul And Bodily Healing
Not For Riches, Houses Or Lands!
I Pray For A Converted-To-Christ Heart
So That I May Live Forever With Him
In Beulah, The Beautiful Land!

I Pray For Peace With You, My Father
For Strength
To Fight 
The Good Fight Of Faith!
I Pray For Clean Hands
A Pure Heart
So That I May Stand Up Straight
In Your Presence
Not Be Amongst Those Wearing
The Ashamed Face
Those Of The Disobedient Wild Goat Clan
Who Refused To Follow The Redemption Plan!

I Believe Your Word Is Faithful!
I Believe Your Love Is True!
I Believe That Grace And Mercy
Are Prized Possessions
Because They Come Out From You!

I Desire To Please You, Father!
I Desire To Honor Your Great And Holy Name!
I Desire To Tell Others
The Good News Of The Holy Jesus
The Coming Kingdom
I Desire To Be Embraced
Guided, Corrected, Protected
Blessed Beyond All Imagining By You
Who Is Loving, Kind, Just And Forever True!

Pity Your People, I Beseech You, Father
Those Who Honor You
Worship You Faithfully
And Adore
Those Who Look For And Love
The Lord's Appearing
Which, Even Now
Is At The Door!

Lead Us, Lord! 
Guide Us Today!
Bless Us With All Blessing
For It Is To The Holy God Eternal
That We Humbly Petition By Faithful Prayer!
We Love You, Father
And Ask These Few Mercies
In Jesus Christ's Matchless Holy Name!
Please Come Soon!

1 comment:

  1. Father, In Jesus Christ's Holy Name, I Give You All The Praise! Please Help Me To Seek First, And Always, Your Living Kingdom So That In The Fullness Of Time, I Will Forever Be Blessed!


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