
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

IMAGINE THAT: Facts, Faith, Doubt And Decisions!

Faith Does Not Utilize Imagination!
Imagination Is In The Realm Of Doubt!
Faith Gives One Hope To Trust
Doubt Instructs One Not To Hope!!!

Jesus Christ
The Way
The Truth
The Light
The Life Of Every Man!

Jesus Christ Calls Us ... His Believing Children
Salt Of The Earth
Light Of The World!

We Are What We Are
Of Who He Is
What He Has Done
What He Is Doing
We Are Called To Tell The World The Truth
The Good News Gospel Story
In Season
Out Of Season
Aka Whether It Pleases Or Annoys!

Did You Know ...

Man ... Fallen Man
Has No Power To Resist The Word Of God!

The Word Of God, Brethren
Again, Is Truth, Light And Life
Alas And Alack
Man ... Being A Free Moral Agent
With Free Will
With Free Choice
Has The Power To Reject The Blessing That Is
The Living, Eternal, Word Of 
The Holy, Eternal, Faithful
Blessing, Just, Almighty God!

Let's Go Deep
See What We Shall Reap:

Light Illuminates
Light Blinds

Salt Preserves
Salt Destroys

The Way Blesses
The Way Curses

Life Prospers
Life Bankrupts

Truth Uplifts
Truth Casts Down

If We Look Closely
We Shall Observe Perspective
We Shall Know That Decisions
- Personal Decision -
Determines Outcomes!

I Look ... You Can't See!
You Look ... I Can't See!
Look, Again
See That
I See For Me
You See For You
There Is No Created Being That Can
Make A Fatal Decision For Anybody
Be It Me Or You!

In All This, Brethren
How Do You Stand!?!
Where Do You Belong!?!
To Whom Do You Belong!?!
For Whom Do You Sing Your Life's Song!?!

Are You Amongst The Naysayers
Are You Amongst The Called
The Few
The Chosen
The Brave
The Enduring Faithful
Who Will Not To The Ways Of The Fallen World

Do You Love The Unvarnished Truth Of The Living Word!!
Is The Word Colored By Your Feelings And Desires!!
Do You In The Lord Christ Have Working Faith!?!
Will You Be Amongst The Finally Saved!?!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord Gave Unto Us The Word Of Truth And I Believe It: Everything Else Is A Lie Of The Devil!


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