
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

SIGHT AND SOUND: The Performance!

Just Because There Is Cloud Above Your Head
It Does Not Mean That The Sun Isn't Shining!
Just Because Your Pantry Is Empty
It Does Not Mean That There Is Not Food In The Store
Or In The Field
So, Please Trust The One Who Makes Life Possible
Refuse To Let Eye-Sight Give You An Eye-Sore!

Is Almighty God On His Throne!?!
Is Heaven Still In Place!?!
Is The Earth Still Revolving!?!
Is The Sun Still Shining!?!
Is The Moon Still Basking In The Sun's Glow!?!
Are You Still Breathing!?!
Is The God Holy The Only God That You Know!?!

If The Answer To All This
Is A Resoundingly Loud "Yes!"
Stand Firm In The Faith Of Jesus Christ
Diligently Do Your Due Diligence
So That You May Pass The Faithful Man's Test!

Let No Created Being
Steal Your Joy In Christ Jesus!

Satan Is The Liar!
He Is The Prince Of The Power Of The Air!
He Is Able To Manipulate Man And Elements
He Takes Pleasure In Stamping Upon Saints
As Though He Is A Rogue Elephant


Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Jesus Christ The Righteous
On His Faithful Ones Has Innumerable Gifts Bestowed
To Help, To Heal
To Save, To Seal
To Provide And To Protect
From The Liar Supreme
The Murderer Obscene
The Dastardly Offender
Who Takes Pleasure In Sending
The Unwary Man Down Under!

Believe The Lord ... And Live!

There Is No Man Who Enduringly, Faithfully, Depends Upon Christ
Who The Damned Devil Can Overcome
Who He Can Make Fail In The Mortal Strife!

The Lord Has Promised That
He Will Ever His People Protect!
He Has Promised Us That

He Has 1,000 Ways Our Lives To Save
So Keep The Faith Of Jesus
Be Not Overcome By The One 
Who Has Already Been Overcome
The Lord Of Life Has For You Made Provision
Which You Shall Only See
At His Beloved Face ... Not At Your Circumstance
You Are Completely Looking!

Satan Overcomes Man By Inflicting Blindness
Overwrought Emotions
Unchained Sensitivity 
To Time, To Chance
To Favor, To Friend
To Enemy, To Food
To Important Fellow Men
Who Cannot Save Themselves
Nor Can They Save Others!

So, Please
Brethren, Beloved
Do Not Look Down At What Is
Look Up ... At Christ Jesus
Who Is Your Creator
Your Redeemer, Your Savior
Your One True Friend
You Provider, Your Sustainer
The One Who Will Welcome You
Into The Kingdom Of Rest
When You Accept And Perform
As Though You Personally Know That 
He Is God Almighty On Heaven's Great White Throne
All And All To You!
Let Faith Give You A Heavenly Looking-Forward View!

Jesus Christ ... With You
Makes You A Majority
So Trust The Lover Of Your Soul
He Who, Alone
Makes It Possible For You
One Day Coming Soon
To Walk Into Heaven
Through Your Assigned Pearl Gate
Walk Upon Streets Paved With Purest Gold
In The Kingdom That Is The Eternal Rest Home
Wherefrom We Shall Never Seek To Roam!

Remember, Remember!
Don't Ever Forget!
You, Child Of The Living God
Do Not Ever Walk Alone!
Your Heartfelt Prayer
The Royal, Prized
Personal Telephone
Which Instantly Connects You
To The King
The Almighty God
His Great White Throne!!!

1 comment:

  1. Father, In Mercy, Please Remember Us Who Pray And Look With Longing To The Coming Great And Dreadful Day Of The Lord!


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