
Saturday, May 18, 2019


Next On Trial Is Truth!

Yeahhhhh! I Can't Stand Him!

Hang Him High!

Bury Him Deep!
He Needs To Be Put Down More Than Six Feet!

Truth, A Solemn Character
Stood Firm ... Dignified

He Needed No Lawyer
No high Price Legal Team
Had No Hangers On
No Entourage About His Presence To Fawn!

Lemme Holler At You ...

If You Give Yourself The Chance
Truth Will Grow On You
If You're Not Prejudiced Against Principles Deeply Held
You Will See That Truth Is Amazingly Beautiful
His Words Are Deeep!

If I Do Say So Myself
If You Will Listen And Really Hear
You Will Recognize That
Truth's Voice Soothes!
Truth Sincerely Edifies!
His Words Are Not Pie In The Sky!

Truth Is So Uplifting
So Ennobling
So En Pointe
That When You Truly Get Into Truth
You, Yourself, Get Into Truth!
No Lie!

He Doesn't Ever Raise His Voice!
He Is Never Ever Cross!
No One Attached To Truth Has Ever A Battle Lost
All Who Dare To Stand With Him
Shall ... By Appointment
Inherit And Enjoy
That That Is Eternal Youth
Purchased For Us
By Christ Jesus On Calvary's Cruel Cross!

I Don't Like Truth!
He Doesn't Do Half-Measures!

He's By The Book
And For The Son Who Is Pertinent 
To The Life Of Every One
And He Desires, Demands, Full Capitulation!
Anything Less
And From His Side You Must Run!

He Doesn't Seem To Understand The Concept Of
Tek A Lil' Bit And Praise God!

Pardon Me For Listening To Your Convo
That "Tek Lil' Bit And Praise God!" Remark
Isn't Going To Work For Truth
Truth Is In The Eternal Employ Of
The Father And The Son!

He Is A Foundation Stone
He Does Not With Imposters, Poseurs
Liars, Cheats
Back-Door Creeps, Side-Winders
Back-Stabbers, Nor Loss-Leaders
Indulge In The Much-Vaunted Meet And Greet!

Who Asked Your Opinion!?!

Not A Soul!
This Is Your Lucky Day!
My Advice Is Free!
It Is As Gold!

Who Are You!?!

Glad You Asked!
My Name Is Faith!
Some People Call Me Hope!
I Wish You'd Just Call Me!
I Give People A Way With Life To Cope!

I've Heard About You!
You're Just As Bad As Truth ...!

... You Always Want All-In Cooperation!

What's With You People
And This Want It All Mentality!?!
Life Is Shaded
Black To White
Grey In Twilight
Orange, Blue, Green, Purple, Yellow!
Can't You Spot Some Slack
To A Weary, Wondering, Wandering, Fellow!?!

Can't Do It!
Won't Work! Can't Work!
That Thinking Is Flawed!

You Need To Grab Faith ... That's Me
Wisely Approach Truth ... Over There
Your Weary, Wondering, Wandering
- Destination Indeterminate -
Shall Immediately Cease!

Truth Frees!
Faith Heals!
Truth Combined With Faith
On The Path To The Good Life
Unerringly Reveals
The One Who Seals
Against The Madness Of Sin
Guides One To The Beautiful City
Where Only Those With The Perfect Right
May Really Boldly Walk On In!

Not Long Thereafter ...


Yes, Crystal Myth!?!

You Wanna Help Me Extricate Truth
From That Swing-Top Trash Bin!?!

You Know I Don't Want To
But ... I Must! 
I Will!
I Suddenly Have An Opening In My Calendar!
Truth Has Unexpectedly Become Relevant
So I, Instead, Have Time To Kill!

I Hope You Know That When You Kill Time
It Is Dead Time
Not Replaceable
Not Retrievable!

If You Mash It Up
There Is No Buy-Back
So You May Want To Take Back
Your Kill-Order Thrill!


Yeah, Patsy!?!

It Must Be Terrible To Not Know An Irony
A Turn Of Phrase
A Play On Words!

Your Mumsy Must Have Dropped You On Your Head, Patsy!

Well, Yes, She Accidentally Did
But I Don't Get Your Drift!

Well, Let Me Spell It Out For You:

Truth And Faith Don't Play
And For Certain Sure
They Don't Play Games! 

Their Mission Isn't About Fun
Games, Fancy, Fantasy
Folly Nor Frolics!
They Deal In Eternal Pursuits!
Your Tiny Mind Deals In Time!

Okay, Okay!
No Need To Shout!
I Believe I Shall Have A Parlay
And Pick Them To Hear What Their
Book Of Doctrines Say!

Thank The Lord That For Words Of Wisdom
You Shall Surely Not Pay!

I Didn't Expect It
But Against All Odds
Today Has, Indeed, Been A Very Good Day!

Live With Truth
Practice Faith
Every Day With Jesus Christ
Will Be A Blessed, Blessed, Good Day!!


Trust Truth ... And Pray In Faith!!


Thought For The Week Ahead:

Only One With A Surrendered Will, Will Virtuously Wait On The All-Wise, All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Ever-Present, Feeling All Things, Holy God Who Blesses Abundantly! Will Your Will, Consumedly, Lovingly, Embracing Truth, And Death-Grippingly Clutching Faith, Enduringly Wait, Watch, And Work While Walking On The Strait And Narrow Way To Glory Unimagineable!?

1 comment:

  1. The Truth Of The Living God Blesses Us With Peace And Rest From The Lies Of Satan, The Adversary Of Every Living Soul!


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