
Tuesday, July 30, 2019


I Was In The Popular Station Of Life!
The Get Away Platform Was Crowded For Sure!
Everybody I Observed Had Their Tickets Waving
Including That Big Man Named Gully Boar!

PIS Aka The Passenger Information System Was Whirring!
Myriad Transports To Tomorrow Were Scheduled
All Were Plainly Noted 
To Be Exactly On Time!

More And More People Were Arriving
Only Those For Living For Jesus
Salvation Way
Jesus Christ Saves
Final Generation
Today's The Day
Gateway To Tomorrow
Were Departing!

Grumbling Was Starting!
It Soon Became A Dull Roar!
Security Wasn't Bothered It Was Said
They'd Seen It All Before!

Step Back A Bit ...

The Station Of Life
An Ever-Moving Turn-Table!
Destinations Are Marked Plainly
Boldly Underscored!

Travellers ... Having Free Will
Free Choice
- No Coercion, No Bumping Up Nor Down -
Choose Their Preferred Destination
By Confidence In Self
In Satan
In Sin
In Salvation
In The Savior
In Grace And Mercy
In Temporal ... Or Eternal Security
They Decide If At Living
They Win Or The Lose!

Life Is Spent ...

Tired Of Wandering
I Paused To Wonder
Without Preamble
A Beautiful White Dove Landed On My Shoulder
- I Wasn't Startled Or Afraid -
Whispered Sweetly In My Ear:

Tomorrow Is Not Promised To Mortal Man!
Only Those Who Choose Life Eternal
With The Blessed Son Of Man
Shall Arrive At The Day
That Surely Will Not End!

They Will Arrive At The Day Where Life Is Eternal
Where He Who Made Time For Man
Extends His Welcoming Hand
To Those Who Worship Gladly And Believe Boldly
Who Trust The Word And Obey Despite Discomfort
Who Walk Wise And Pray Persistently
Who Look Up And Practice Godly Fear
Who Confess Sin And Repent Humbly
Who Love The Lord And Listen To The Spirit's Still Voice
Who Seek Righteous And Don't Trust Their Own Understanding

Who Reflect On God's Goodness And Rest By His Grace
Who Hope With Certainly And Endure Faithfully

Reach Out To The Lord Christ 
The Cure For All That Ails Fallen Man
Who Made Blessed Provision For His Children
Who Is Touched By Your Infirmities
Who Was Tried, Tested, Tortured And Died
Who Overcame So That You Can
Who Is Calling, Ever Calling
Extending His Sure, Steady, Strong, Unshakeable, Helping Hand!

Grow Where You Are Planted!
Live Triumphantly In His Name Where You Are
Bless Others While You Can

For There Is No Life
No Love
In The Grave Where Thou Goest!
Book Your Berth For Surpassing Glory Now!
The Best Day Is Today!

Choose Christ In This Now-Acceptable Time
You Shall Enjoy The Glorious New Birth!

Dying, Dying, Slowly Dying
Are The Unprofitable Things Of This Earth!

My Head Felt Light!
My Eyes Flared!
My Ears Tingled!
Doubt Departed!
Hope Appeared!
Grace Smile!
Mercy Spread Her Arms Wide!
Love Exploded!
Truth Stood Up
Deceitful, Murdering-Hope Satan Ferociously Cried!

No Bragging Allowed ...

I Am Free: So Very Free! 
I Am Free Indeed!
I Am Touched By The Crimson Flow
Which I Had Not Known I Needed
Until I Had Encountered
The One Called The Door!

I Have No Desire To Wrestle With The Impossible
The Tomorrow Touted
By The One Whose Time Is Short
The One Who Encourages Us
Our Babies, Our Future
Our Certain Hope To Abort
To Store Up Lust-Driven Experiences
- Supposed Treasures -
Which Will Not Consuming-Fire Survive
Which Will Not Survive The Journey
The Journey To Eternal Life!

The Facts Remain ...

No Matter How Much Weight
How Much Money 
You Gain Or Lose
The Mortal Strife Is Fought Today!

Repentance For Sin Must Be Rendered Today
The Decision For The Lord Christ Must Be Made Today
For That That Is Promised To Man
- Known Resident In The Vale Of Tears -
Will Not Be Available Tomorrow
By The Sovereign Will Of The Eternal Holy God
It Is Only Available
Today, Today
No Matter What The Adversary Says!

Man's Day
Man's Hour
Man's Moment In The Sun
To Know The Son
Always Today!

Be Wise:
Carpe Diem!

1 comment:

  1. With Jesus Christ As My Shepherd, I Can Brave Any Of Life's Storms! Thank You, Lord!


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