
Friday, August 9, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Sin Will Not Last!

Inside The City
Outside The City
Were Human Through And Through!
Inside The City
Outside The City
Are Men Just Like Me And Like You!

Inside The City Was Thought To Be Wrong
- He Humbly Served The Risen Lord -
Outside The City Was Known To Be Strong
- He Served His Lusts And Lived Like The Fraud -
Under Normal Circumstances
This State Of Affairs Would Be Applauded
The Unjust Judge Of Their Mortal Lives
A Tame Man That Carnal Men Lauded!

But ...

Normal Circumstances Are Abnormal To Be Sure!
The True Judge Of All The Earth-Bound
Was Standing At The Open Door!
He Called To His Faithful, Enduring, People
Who Had Committed To Living Inside The City
- The City Of Light -
Where Life Is Eternal
Where There Is No Mortal Strife
There Is All That Will The Saved Soul Delight!

Another But ...

These Days Were Funny Nights
For Those Who Had Made A Contract With Death
With Satan The Bold
With Sin
With Self
With Hearts Rendered Unfeeling ... Cold
With Eyes On The Main Chance
With Harsh Hands On Weak Men's Throats
With Hard Heels On Needy Men's Necks
With Tainted Taste Buds Loving The Abominable
With Tawdry Thoughts Toward The Husband, The Wife, Unlawful
On Murder And Mayhem
On Dishonoring Parents Considered Old
On Lying For A Conversation
On Refusing To Accept The Call To Conversion
And Instead
Choosing To Walk In Vain Wisdom
Doing That Which Pleases Self
Desiring The Distasteful
Demanding The Undesirable
Worshipping The Abominable
Honoring The Unholy
Building Houses In Sand
Ignoring The Holy Son Of God
- The Loving Son Of Man -
Choosing, Choosing, Choosing Broadway
Ignoring, Rejecting, Despising The Strait And Narrow Way
Calling, Always Calling, The Unwary, The Unwise
The Unwashed
Those Living In Circumstances Mean
To Ignore The Call To Christ's Salvation
To Live The Lie That Says Man Is God
That Satan Is Friend And Not A Murdering Fraud
That Jesus Christ Failed On His Mission To Save Man
That A Relationship With Christ Is Not Sound Advice
That Self-Denial Is Unnecessary Sacrifice
That Man-Pleasing Is A Pleasurable Delight
That Self-Sacrifice Is A Thing That One Should Hate
That Man Makes His Own Destiny
That Man Names His Own Fate
That Waiting For A Savior Is Just Cheap Click-Bait
That Jesus Christ Is Not Coming
Therefore ... He Will Be Late!

If Only They Chose To Know ...

Outside The City Is Lost-Man Domain!
Inside The City Is Saved-Soul Terrain!

Outside The City Is The Cast-Out, Condemned!
Inside The City Are Saved-For-Eternity, Forgiven Souls
Known Repentant God-Fearing Women, Children And Men!

Don't Trust Your Eyes ...

In The Present Order Of Things
Those Outside The City Are In The Right 
Blessed Of "God" And Increased With Goods
They Have Need Of Nothing
Including Their Creator, Redeemer
Jesus Christ The Lord
It Is For This Reason
That Satan Had Prevailed Against Them
In The Day Of Judgment
They Will, In The Lake Of Fire
Be Seriously Joining Him!

By Contrast
Those Inside The Holy City Will Be The Rejects
The Fools
The Despised Of The Earth
Praise God For Jesus
The Times Are Changing
Those Inside The Bright And Beautiful City
Are The Blessed
The Beloved Of Christ And God
Those Who Permitted The Holy Spirit Of Truth
To Guide Them And Chide
Bless Them With Loving Insights
Desires For Ever-Increasing Truth And Light
They ... Accepting The Gift Of Faith And Grace
Truth And Righteousness
Peace And Rest
Forgiveness And Mercy
Yielded Their Free Will
Their Free Choice
To The Sweet Spirit That Leads To Eternal Life!

For All Their Sorrows, Their Woes
Their Bruised Heads, Their Stubbed Toes
Their Confessions Of Known Sin
Their Humble Repentances
They Had Reached For The High And Holy Hand
Accepted The Free Salvation
The Saving Grace
The Promise Of Life Everlasting
Their Sin Being Cast Into The Sea Of God's Forgetfulness!

They Trusted In The Promises Given
Enduring, Working, Waiting, Watching
Believing, Receiving
Knowing That In Him Was No Deceiving
Now ... At The Last Trumpet
The Condemned Earth They Were Leaving
In The Zion-Bound Train
Jesus Christ The King Of Glory

It Pays To Serve Jesus ...

Their Sacrifice For Him
Had Not Been In Vain!
They Had Not His Name Profaned!
Their Earthly Losses Had Gleaned For Them
Heavenly Gain!

For His Love
They Had Suffered Time And Again
Here ... At Last
Is The Day From Time Forever Past
They ... Triumphant
Enter Eternity
- That Realm Which Lasts, And Lasts -
Where Space Is Vast
No Shadows Are Cast!

Those Outside The City
Had Had Their Riotous Blast
And Now
They Shall From Time And Eternity
Forever ... By The Holy Hand Of The Judge
Be Cast!


At This Point
Sin Is A Thing Of The Past!

It Is Better To Be Lowly Servant
In The House Of The Living God
To Be A Despoiled Prince
In The Pleasure-Palaces Of Satan
The Deceiver
The Condemned God-Fraud!

1 comment:

  1. Without The Lord Christ, There Is Nothing That I Can Do To Bless My Own Life! Jesus Christ Saves By Blessing: Lord I Accept You, I Believe You At Your Word, And I Will Call, Always, Upon You In My Gift Of Daily Faith!


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