
Sunday, August 11, 2019

HEARTACHE-HEARTBREAK: Do You Know Jesus Christ The Lord!?!

Intense Craving
No Back-Bone
Lucy Look-Back
No Discernment Were Doing The "Usual"
Carping, Complaining
Crying And Cursing
In Their Hearts
They Were Suffering From That Devilish Disease
"To Egypt Crawl-Back!"

They Were Into "Let's Have A Lack Attack!" 
They Were Strangers To Truth ... To Undisputed Facts! 
The Lord God Almighty

Just, Faithful, Kind And True
Had Drawn Them Out Of The Cesspit Of Sin
Had Them Headed To The Promised Land
And ... Yet ...! 

Let's Backtrack To Go Forward ...

Their Lord Is Holy!
He Is Faithful To His Living Word! 
He Is Jealous Of His Name!
He Judges Righteously! 
He Is The King, Kind!
He Gives Perfect Peace
Provides Peaceful Rest!

He Listens. 

He Loves Them ... Sacrificially!
He Gives Good Gifts ... Exponentially!
He Is Near
For Each Purchased Soul
He Diligently Cares
He Forgets Not His Own
And, Yet ... !?!

Ingratitude Abounds ...

Many Of His Children Called
Distrust His Word 
Doubt His Promises
Gainsay His Law
They Even Impugn His Good Name! 

Time For Introspection ...

Do They Know Him ... For Real!?! 

The Question Is On The Table:

How Can YOU Worship
How Do YOU Reverence
The God Of All Grace
The King Of Earth And Glory
The Master Of The Wind And The Waves
The Judge Of All Flesh
If You Don't Personally Know
Who He Is!?! 

As The World Turns ...

If The Lord Christ Were A Pop Star
You Would Know His Bona Fides! 
You Would Know Every Song In His Catalog
His Every Hit
His Every Miss
The Food He Eats
The Clothes He Wears
The Brands He Purveys
Every Quotable Quote He Says
What He Drinks
What He Thinks
What He Drives
How He In The High-Stakes Poker Game Survives! 

By Your High-Level Presence 
By Your Financial Support
You Would Cause His Bottom Line To Substantially Thrive! 

You Would Defend His Name
His Honor 
His Character!

You Would Wear Your "Love" For Him
On Your Tongue 
On Your Head
In Your Heart 
On Your Back
On Your Bottom 
On Your Feet
On Your Well-Fitting 
In Fashion, Ever-Current Sleeve!

As The Stomach Churns ... 

The Pop Star Doesn't Know You Personally
Doesn't Care Whether You Live, Thrive Or Die
Cares Only For Your Coin Spent In His Behalf
Does Not Call Your Name And Mourn Over You
When From Sin You Refuse To Depart! 

The Pop Singer Cannot Guide You
Into Eternal Truth!
He Will Not Prepare A Personal Place For You 
In His Or His Father's Palatial Home!
The Pop Star Is Not Instantly Or Ever Available To You 
On His Not-Dedicated To You Telephone
He Gives Not One Whit Whether You Call Him At Home!

Depart From Idolatry ... 

It's Sad, Really! 
Pop Star Proud Gets Almighty God's Glory: 
You Can Tell In Detail 
The Pop Star's Personal Life And Times' Story! 

You Sing Of Him
With Him
You Pine For Him
But, Beloved 
You Will Never Receive A Personal Invitation
With Custom-Made To Fit You Clothing
Protective Detail
To Dine Exclusively With Him
Where He Will Serve You His Dinner!

Let Reality Bite ...

Jesus Christ, Alone
Able To Save You Utterly
You Know And Crave The One
Who Enslaves You Utterly
With Flights Of Folly, Foolishness 
Fancy And Fantasy! 

It's Time To Reorder Our Steps
By The Grace Of The Eternal God
Start Really Praying For Rain! 

Don't Know What To Say!?! 

Not Knowing What To Say 
Isn't A Good Reason To Cease Praying!

Two-Way Communication 
With The Friend Who Is Almighty God
Who Understands
Who Always Accepts The Prayer Of Faith! 

Not Getting Whatever You Want!?! 

Accept Almighty God's Answers With Gratitude 
Especially When The Answer Is No, Or Wait! 
His Response Is Always What Is Good For You
For His Glory! 

Heads Up ...

The Lord Loves You Personally: Believe It!

Reach Out And Touch The Hand Of Love 
Presently Extended You 
In This The Time Of Probation! 

The Living Make Decisions For Life
Or For Death ... No Coercion! 

The Dead Man's Decision-Making Ability
In The Instant He Ceased From Having
The Breath Of Life
From Our Creator God
Jesus Christ The Lord! 

It Is We, Living, Who Can Decide
What Our Reward Will Be
By Our Personal Decision-Making
Nobody But Christ Can Deliver The Goods!

Isn't It Time That He Becomes To You
Your Forever And True Friend!?!


It Is Time
To Lovingly, Intimately, Know The True Friend Personally
Who Really Does Well And Truly Know You
Knows Your Name
Knows Your Frame!

1 comment:

  1. If The Lord Christ Does Not Hold My Hand, I Know, For A Surety, That I Will On My Face Land!
    Blessed Jesus, Please Continue to Hold My Trembling Hand In Yours!


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