
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Idle Minds, Idols ... Idolatry: Faith, Truth And Trust!

Idle Minds And Idle Thoughts
Are The Devil's Workshop!

Surrounded By Sickness And Suffering
Living In A World Of Temptation And Sin
Walking Toward Hill Zion
Dogged By Devils
- Some Bold And Some In Hiding -
The Lot Of The One Sinner Repentant 
Seeking, Finding, Following, Obeying
The One Who Saves, Heals, Reveals And Seals!

Jesus Christ Says Plainly:

Seek Me Diligently
And Assuredly
It Is Me That You Find!

Knock On My Door Boldly

You Shall Be Invited Inside!

Ask For Your Needs

According To The Word
My Will For Your Life 
You Shall Surely Receive
For I Am The Giver! 

I Am The Living Word!

I Also Give Unto You
Eternal Life

Know This My Children

For I Make It Plain
Doubt, Disbelief, Idolatry
Will Cause You To Receive From Me
No Profit ... No Gain
For These Are Millstone Out Of Place
Around You Neck
Dragging You Down To Perdition
Where Destruction Is All
All That You Shall Expect To Receive
When You Do Not My Living Word Believe!

Doubt Is Sin! 

Doubt In The Holy God
Is Also A Form Of Idolatry 
You, A Mere Mortal
Lift Up Yourself Above The Holy God!

Disbelief Is Sin! 

Disbelief Is Also Another Form Of Idolatry
For You, A Child Of The Dust
A Creation Of The Most Holy
Dares To Question The Ways
The Wisdom Of Your Creator
The Word Of The Self-Existent One
Who Says
"It Is Thus!"

To Do This, Beloved
Is To Forget

Who Is The One Who Is Almighty God
Who Is The One Who Inhabits Eternity
Who Is The One Who Keeps You Alive
Who Is The One, Alone
Who Causes You Physically, Spiritually
To Live Abundantly

In Perfect Peace To Thrive!

Idolatry Comes In Myriad Forms
Shows Itself In Varied Ways
Appears In Uncountable Places
The Lord Who Reigns Over All Creation
Hates It All!

Anything That Causes Us To Dwell On It
To The Exclusion Of The Living God Holy
Is To Be Set Aside
Whether It Is Relationships
Houses, Lands, Toys, Money Or Associations!

There Can Only Be One God
- The Creator God Holy -
In Our Lives!

Split Allegiance 
Wholly Despised By The Lord

Idolatry Is An Abomination
All Who Practice Such
Shall Never Have Their Nomination
- Their Election ... Their Call - 
To Heaven Ratified!

Idolatry Is A Lie
From The Father Of Lies
Who Lies For A Living
To Ensure That Others Shall Join Him
When It Comes Time For Him 
To Forever Die 
For Distinctly Gross, Base, Lies
Which See Unrepentant Men ... Dying
The Lord ... The Judge
- Mercy Set Aside -
Is Unforgiving!

Have Hope ...

Jesus Christ
To Be First And Foremost In Our Affections
Or We Shall Perish 
As Did The Idol Worshipers Of Old!

There Is One God:
One God Giving
One God Truthful
One God Worth Trusting
One God Blessing
One God Forgiving
One God Who Is Our Hope, Help 
And Salvation 
One God Who Is Forever Living!

The Lord Always Provides For His People
We Need To Hold The Things Of This World 
With An Exceedingly Light Touch! 

Earth Is A Way-Station!
Idols Are Useless!
Almighty God Is King

Heaven Is Home!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, In Jesus Christ's Holy Name, And Under The Agency Of The Sweet Holy Spirit Of Truth, Please Help Me To Keep My Mind Employed With Things Eternal So That The Weight Of Things Temporal Will Not Cause Me To Become A Disposable Tool Of The Devil!


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