
Thursday, August 29, 2019

PRAYER: Father, I Am Approaching The Throne Of Grace Boldly!

You Have Told Me 
And You Constantly Tell Me You Love Me
That You Take Care Of Your Own
That You Will Bless And Keep Me
That I Do Not Walk Alone:
My Heart Is Grateful
And With Humility, I Thank You!
I Give You Praise!  

You Have Told Me That

I May Come Boldly To The Throne Of Grace
That I May Find Help
In My Time Of Need:
Help Me To Not Be An Ingrate!
You're My Help, My Only Hope
So It Is Certain That 
That Lying Other I Do Not Need!
I Worship You, Lord!  


With A Repentant Sinner's Love
For Having Been Forgiven Of Much
I Ask You A Favor:

Please Help Me To Take Care Of Myself

By Learning To And Leaning Upon You
And Looking Always To You
You Alone
In The Big, The Small
The Happy, The Sad
The Trial, The Tempest
The Test Of Faith
The Call To Grace
The Need For Mercy
The Way Out Of Known Sin
So That Your Holy Name
I Do Not Disgrace!
I Need You!  

Please Help Me, Dear Father

To Never, Ever,
By Thought, Word Or Deed
To Indulge In the Sin Of Presumption!
Help Me Never To Test Your Love
By Indulging In Unbiblical Behavior
In The Hope That Unbelievers, Doubters
The Gainsayers
May Come To See That You Are Real
That Your Word Is True!
You Living Word Is Sufficient For Me!  


I Have Taken And Am Choosing
To Operate From The Position That
You Are Almighty God
Jesus Christ Is The Word
My Savior, Redeemer
Hope, Help, Provider
My Only Source Of Soul Salvation
Is My Creator
The Creator Of Heaven And Earth
Who Deserves My Worship
My Prayers, My Praise
My Willing Obedience
My Love And Complete Devotion!
He Gave His Innocent Life To Save Guilty Me!
I Choose To Believe

By The Spirit Of Truth
That Christ Is The Welcoming King To The Saved
The Repentant Sinner
The Frowning Judge Of The Sinner
Unmoved By Your Sacrificial Love!
Please Open Their Eyes So That They May 
Catch A Glimpse Of Christ In His Glory
While It Is Still Today!  

I Willingly And With A Contrite Heart

Acknowledge That But For Your Great Grace
I, Too, Would Be Amongst The Perishing
The Lost To The Eternal Living Kingdom!
Thank You For Your Sacrificial Love!  


I Desire Wisdom
The Real Knowledge That 
Leads To True Understanding
That Will Separate Me From Becoming
A Friend To The World
And Turn Into Your Enemy!
I Am A Child Of The Dust: 
Please Make Me To Be Like You!
You Have Breathed Into My Nostrils

The Breath Of Life
And I Desire Also To Receive
In The Day Of Appointment
The Dew Of Eternal Life
So That I May Serve You For All Eternity!
I Can't Even Imagine
The Thousand Years Of Peace
Which, In Your Reckoning, Is But A Day
Far Less The Expanse Of Eternity With You!
I Desire To Be There!


The Living Word Speaks Of
The Falling Away ... First
Before The Man Of Sin
The Son Of Perdition Is Revealed:
Many Stalwarts Of The Faith, Lord
Are Turned Away From The Truth That Saves
And Are Accepting The Lies Of
The Adversary Of The Soul
And Are Becoming Children Of The Night
Doing Things Inconvenient, Abominable
Unholy, Unclean!
Have Mercy Upon Them
Even Though They Say That 
They Know What They Are Doing!

I Pray For Each And Every One Of Them

And Other Likeminded, Unsettled, Wanderers
To Receive Clean And Clear Eyesight
Unstopped No Longer Itching Ears
The Heart Of Flesh
A Clean Tongue
And, Indeed
Feet Well-Shod With Truth
Having Accepted The Word That Brings Light
So That They May Speak Truth
In Righteousness!
Thy Word Is Light And Life! 


Some Of The Ministers
Have Gone So Far Left
That They Are Holding Goodbye Services
For Those Who Are Choosing
Their Own Departing-Life Day
Because Their So-Called Quality Of Life 
Is Not In Keeping With Their Carnal Desire
For Self-Pleasing, Personal, Ageless Comfort!

The Ministers Are Encouraging Them
To Believe That They Will Go Immediately
To Heaven To Be With The Lord Christ!
They Say They Love You, Lord
But They Wittingly Doubt Your Holy Word!
Have Mercy, Please!
Help Them To Repent For Preaching Another Jesus
Another Gospel
So That They Will Walk The Strait And Narrow Way
And Speak Truth In Righteousness
To Bless Your People! 

I See Our Need For Your Saving Grace
And Repent Of Our Known Sins Against You
The Holy God
And Humbly Ask You To Forgive Us, Father
And Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness! 

I Come Boldly
As We Are All Called To Present Ourselves
At The Throne Of Grace
And Present These Few Petitions
In The Only Name By Which We Are Saved
Jesus Christ The Lord! 
Let You Spirit Fall Upon Us
And The Holy Angels Protect Us! 
Please Come Soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Dear Father, For Your Faithfulness, Your Great Mercy, And Your Infinite Sacrifice Because Of Your Love For Me And My Kind: I Love You!


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