
Sunday, August 25, 2019

PRAYER: We Need Your Certain Help, Lord!

Thank You, Dear Father
For My Personal Invitation
To Come Boldly Into Your Presence
At The Throne Of Grace
Where Truth Abides
Where Grace, Sufficient, Is Found 
Where Mercy Is Free
Where Light Is Life
Where My Heart Is At Home!
I Willingly Give You My Praise
And Bow Before You In Loving Worship!

Lord, I Come Burdened For My Brethren
Your People Desiring To Reach The Heavenly Home
And Called To Live As Light And Salt
To Bless The People Of The Earth! 

The Light Is Dimming
And The Salt Is Losing Its Taste
And We Are Becoming As The World Is
Conformed And Conforming
To The Likes And Tastes Of A Dying World
Where Sexual Appetites Are Of The Inconvenient Form
And Now, Lord
Even A Christian Pastor, An Under-Shepherd
And His Wife
Are, According To The Modern Vernacular, Out
And Openly, Pridefully, Actively, Bisexual
Openly Unashamed, Unafraid, Unconcerned
For What Says The Living Holy Word
And The Baleful Effects Upon The Brethren
Who Are By Your Great Grace
Seeking To Stay On The Strait And Narrow Path
To The Living Kingdom
To Beulah Land!

Dear God, Please Help Us! 

Where Is The Walking In The Light!?!
Where Is The Living In Self-Denial!?!
Where Is The Honest Acknowledgement Of Known Sin!?!
Where Is The Ready Willingness 
To Call Real Sin By Its Real Name!?! 

Why Are We Not Permitting Ourselves 
To Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Our Minds!?!
Why Are We Choosing To Wallow 
In The Cesspit Of Known Sin
Eating The Food That The Pigs Do Eat
Instead Of Coming Home To You
To Be Embraced By Your Love
To Be Clothed In Your Best Robe
- Your Righteousness -
To Have Your Ring Of Godly Approval
- The Signet Of Our Status In You -
Placed Upon Our Lives
So That We Are Welcome In The Beloved
And Are Accepted Guests Of Honor 
At The Glorious Celebration!?!
Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us! 

Please, Lord,
Protect The Innocent From The Guilty!
Help Us To See Our True And Known-Condemned Condition
- Absent The Lord Christ -
So That We Will Sigh And Cry 
For The Abominations In The World And The Church!

We Need Your Certain Help, Lord!
Please Pour Out Of Your Holy Spirit Upon Us
And Heal Us As We Confess And Repent
Else We Shall Surely Perish
For, Says The Living Word
Judgment Begins In Your House
The House Of The Holy God!

Pity Us, Lord, 
And Save Us From Our Sin
For You Surely Shall Not Save Us In Our Sin
As Is Now Being Popularly Preached 
And Lovingly Embraced, Gratefully, Unwisely
By A Gainsaying Church With Itching Ears
Attaching To Itself Unrighteous Preachers And Teachers
Sold Out To Sin For Filthy Lucre
Power, Prestige And Toys
And For Idolatrous Worship
From A People Unwilling To Work Their Daily Gift Of Faith
So That You Will Bless Us And Spiritually Prosper Us!

Please Help Us To Critically Inventory 
Our Stock In Jesus Christ's Salvation!
Help Us To Display And Live Lives Blameless
Holy, Undefiled
In The Presence Of All And For All Who Will Believe
And Honestly Seek Your Divine Hand
And Even In The Presence Of Those
Who Choose The Way Of Lustful Flesh!

Lord, We Seek By Confession And Repentance 
To Be Reformed According The Image Of The Holy Jesus!
Help Us!

The Summer Is Ending
Even Soon To End
So Please, In Pitying Love
Save The Souls Of Those Of Us Will To Be Saved
So That We Are Not Amongst Those
Who Shall Wail And Gnash Their Teeth
Because At The Lord's Coming
They Finally Recognize That They Are Nor Saved!

We Pray, Lord
For A Way Of Grace 
A Way Of Escape From Besetting Sin
From Pet Sin
For The Unbelieving, Disobedient, Illuminated, Ones!

We Who Are Faithful To The Lord Christ
- The Word Of God Made Flesh
Who Dwelt Among Us
And Is Among Us By The Holy Spirit Of Truth -
Willingly Acknowledge That
All Sin Is Lawlessly
And No Sinner High, Lifted Up
Lofty, Adorned, Adored
Sinning Willfully
Shall Enter The Pearly Gates Of Glory
And Ask You To Pity Us, Lord!
Protect Our Eyes
For We Are Changed By Beholding!
Protect Our Hearts
For Out Of Them Come The Issues Of Life!

We Need You Now!
Please Save Us As You Did Lot And Joseph
And Moses
Who Chose To Suffer With The People Of God
Than To Enjoy The Pleasures Of Sin For A Season!

Help Us To Be Like King David
Who Abjectly Repented Of Known Sin
And Choose Not To Sin Again With His Eyes
Nor In His Heart, Nor Physically!

Please Accept Our Prayer, Dear Father
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
That We Humbly, Without Ceasing
Believing Your Living, Holy, Word
In Unwavering Faith, Pray! 
We Love You, Lord!
Please Come Soon!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Please Help Us Who Choose To Believe In The Word Of Truth, The Living Word Of The Eternal God Holy, Not To Yield To Temptation!


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