
Thursday, August 22, 2019


They Were All Assembled!

For People To Supposedly Fill The Breach
There Was Assuredly No Lack:

Sincere Prayer
Caring By Praying
Intercessory Prayer
Prayer Of Faith
Specific Prayer
Long Prayer
Selfish Prayer
Importunate Prayer
Rote Prayer
Unceasing Prayer
Private Prayer
Public Prayer
Grammar-Police Prayer
Practical Prayer
Pretty Prayer!

Prayer Warrior Led The Group!

Humble Isda Way 
Poured Out Were The Recorders!

The Group Had Assembled 
Because Of 
A Word Found In The Word
Which Started Out Simply Enough
With That Lil' Big Word ... IF!

I'm Sure You Know That One 
Who Looked Like An Ant
Walked Like An Elephant
Loved, Loved, Loved
Visiting China Shops
With But, Then And And
His ... "Crew!"

There Were Okras In The Stew!

Would HUMBLE Themselves
SEEK My Face
TURN from Their Wicked Ways
THEN I Will Hear From Heaven ...!

There Had Been Consternation ...

I Asked The Lord To Humble Me ...!

... Stop Right There!

What Did I Do!?!

You Made Mistake Number One!
You Asked The Lord To Do For You
What The Lord Asked You To Do For Yourself!

Oh, Dear ... I ... I Don't Understand!

The Lord Asks Us To Humble Ourselves!
If The Lord Has To Humble You
You, Brother, Are Going To Be In A World Of Hurt
Your Humility Is Being Brought About
Against Your Will
In A Manner Not Designed 
To Bring Pleasure To Your Heart!

Personal Humility Before Our God
Comes Out Of Love For Our Lord
Desiring Love From Our Lord
Needing Guidance, Correction And Protection
Acquiring Learning 
It All Leads To Upliftment!

There Had Been Enlightenment ...

I Asked The Lord To Give Me Prosperity
A Good Job
A Great Car
A Big House
And Money ... Discretionary Money
So That I Could Get
A Good Wife With Great Prospects
So That I Could Get Double-Promoted
So That I Could Become Really Important
So That Everybody Will Want To Be Me
And I Become The Big Man In Town ...!!

... Enough Already, Selfish Prayer!

You Need To Stop Thinking About You
Broaden Your Horizons!

If You Desire The Lord's Blessing
Bless Someone Else By Praying For Them
What You Give Out
You Will Get Back ... With Usury
With Great Interest!

There Was  Cause For Introspection ...

Heart For God ... Who Had Arrived Late
Made A Telling Statement
Straight Out Of Left Field:

People Need The Lord
And Many Persons Will Not Be In The Kingdom
Because We Did Not Pray For Them!

We Have Become Insular ... Selfish
Constantly Lifting Up Our "I's"
Forgetting That Not Everyone Recognizes That
Jesus Christ Is Every Man's Greatest Need
And That We Should Pray For Others' Salvation
Calling Their Name
Stating The Specific Request
Pleading For Their Illumination
So That They, Too
By Our Lord Christ
Through The Working Of The Holy Spirit
And The Good Influence Of The Holy Angels
Will Be Blessed With Truth
Even If They ... Ultimately
Do Not Deny The Flesh
And Prefer Corporeal Success
Over Being Eternally Blessed!

There Was Rejoicing ...

I Prayed For Rain But The Sun Shone!
I Was Mad But Later Found Out
That The Sun Of Righteousness Had Blessed Me Indeed!

I Soon Saw The Gross Error Of My Wandering Ways
And I, Ashamed, Turned Away From Deceitful Self
To Honestly-Contented Soul Satisfaction
And For That Reaction
In My Spiritual Life There Is Heavenly Action!

And Then Plain Truth
Truthfully Spoke ... Plainly:

Children Of The Living God
Listen Unto Me!
Too Many Of Us Are Living 
Wild And Supposedly Free!

Freedom Does Not Give Us License
To Do What, Wherever, Whenever, However
To Whomever We May Please!

Our Freedom ... In Christ Jesus
Should Cause Us To Prostrate Ourselves
Before The Eternal God
Both In Our Hearts And On Our Knees!

Let Us Not Envy Who Has What!
Let Us Not Covet What Who Gets Where!
Let Us Crave The Things That
Our Jesus Has Promised Unto Us
Knowing For Certain Sure
Our Hope Will Not End Up Turning To Dust!

Discontented Cows Kick Over Milk Pails ...

The Poor Begrudge The Rich Their Riches!
The Rich Begrudge The Poor Their Spiritual Health 
God-Given Peace!
Both Consider That The Grass Is Greener
On The Other Side
Neither Are Contented
In The Presence Of The Eternal God
Peacefully, Contentedly, Happily
To Faithfully Abide!

Be Grateful!
Be Thankful!
Be Not Anxious!
Worry Not!
Give Unto The Lord
The Things Which Are His Due:

Your Worship
Your Obedience
Your Honor, Worship And Praise
Praying Always In Faith ... Never In Greed
Without Doubt
Our Lord Has Promised ... By Blood
To Provide For Your Needs!

Be Like Jesus!
Put On The Character Of Christ
Most Assuredly
You Shall Not Fall For The Demonic Device!

The Lord Christ Is True ... Is Truth!
He Came Down To Our Level
- Bearing Saving, Guiding, Truth -
To Bring Our Level Up To His!


We Are Being Fitted For Heaven
To Forever Reside With Holy Beings!

Have Lofty Ideals In Christ!
Live For Christ!
Emulate Christ
Walk With And In Christ!

The So-Called Earthly Risks
Are Definitely Worth Taking
The Lord Christ Has In His Nail-Scarred, Holy Hands
Your Eternal Rewards! 
Never Forget ... Never Doubt:
He Is Almighty God!

Two-Way Communication:
You Speak ... The Lord Listens
The Lord Speaks ... You Listen
You Obey
 Is Not Just For The Purpose
Your Always Gettings Your Desires Met!

Talk To The Lord ... Just Because!
Remember Another Person In Prayer!
Be Thankful Much More Often
 Much More Often Be Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, In The Name Of The Holy Jesus, Please Help Me To Refrain From Uttering Prayers At The Throne Of Grace For Those Things Which Are Requested To Satiate Ungodly Lusts! Correct Me, And Guide Me Into All Truth, To Do Righteousness, By The Holy Spirit of Truth, For It Is My Desire To Do That Which Will Always Please Your Heart!


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