
Saturday, August 17, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH : THE SON: The Sum Of The Matter, Re Re! + PRAYER: Please Reclothe Me In My Rightful Mind, Father!

Rejecter Of God's Love
Refuser Of God's Grace
Reconsider Your Situation
Repent Of Your Sin

Rejoice At Your Salvation

For Your Reformation
Be Thankful!
Be Glad!

No One Needs Be Lonely!
No One Needs Be Lost!
No One Wanders

No One Wonders
When Upon Jesus Christ 

- The Soon-Coming King -
Their Earthly Lot Is Cast!

"Don't Worry!" Is The Word Of God!
"Be Strong In The Lord!" Is The Word, Too!
Taking Jesus Christ On Board  
The Sum Of The Matter
Having And Using This Holy Power
Will Cause Satan, Sin, And Self
From Your Vicinity Will Scatter!

Consider The Lillies How They Grow!
Consider The Creation
Their Willing Show
Of The Majesty Of The Holy God
Of His Creative Prowess
Of His Sustaining Hand Each Day
Dear Sinner Sought ... Saved And Protected
Utter A Humble Prayer
To Be Eternally Blessed!


Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind

Rid Me Of My Foolish Ways! 
Reclothe Me In My Rightful Mind
To Serve You
To Have My Heart To You Ever Inclined
To Render Unto You My Heartfelt Praise!

I'm A Child Of The Dust

I Hold In Me The Breath Of Life
I Have And Need The Love Of God
And In This Vein, Father
I Give Unto My Love
My Trust!

I Cannot Save My Self Nor My Brother
Nor Any Other! 

I Am Your Child, Lord! 
For My God, I Have No Other
Save The Lord Of Life
The King Of Glory
The Prince Of Peace
About Whom
The Good News Gospel Story
Which Story Is True
Is Truth For Today 
The Story That Rails Against Sin
Calling All To Christ's Free Salvation
So That For Own-Sin 
We Shall Not Have To Pay!

Thank You, Lord 
For Light
For Life
For Love
For Laughter
For The Forgiveness That Cleanses Of Sin
Does Not Apply Cheap Plaster
To Mask The Look
But Does Not Heal
That Holds On The Medicine 
But Does Not Seal
The Soul From Wanting To Sin
Lets In The Air Of Error
That Leads On, Still, To Sorrow
Exposing Me To Damnation, The Horror!

Lift Me Up
Help Me To Stand
Help Me To Walk
By Holding Your Strong Arm
Believing, Receiving
Trusting You My Heart To Bless
So That I May Become
A True Child Of The Kingdom
A Known And Rewarded
Spiritual Success!

I Give You All The Glory, Father!
Please Receive Thou Me
By Christ In Me Living
Cause Satan, Sin And Self From My Vicinity
In Defeat To Flee!

Please Grant Unto Me These Few Petitions
According To Your Sovereign Will
In Your Blessed Time
In Your Holy Way
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
In My Gift Of Daily Faith
For His Praise
That I Importunately Plea!

I Love You, Lord! 

Please Come Soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Willful Disobedience Costs But Confession Of Sin And Heartfelt Repentance Pays Eternal Dividends In The Living Kingdom Of The Lord Jesus Christ!


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