
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Dear Baby Jesus!?!

Today I Saw A Story
Which Caused Me In Consternation To Pause
How In The Name Of All That Is Holy
Could A Christian Called
Be Praying To A Baby Jesus:
How Can A Baby Be Your Savior
Your Lord
The Holy God!?!

In The Past I Have Also Seen
Read Stories Of Persons Praying To A Jesus, Dead
Hoping To Get An Answer
To A Prayer That Should Never Have Been Said!

Today I Address This Issue
Beseeching The Brethren To Think Before Praying
To Recognize That 
Jesus Christ Came As A Baby
Grew Into A Man
Died As Our Savior
Rose Up To Heaven As Our Redeemer
Is In The Most Holy Place Of
The Heavenly Sanctuary
As Our Only Mediator Aka Advocate
When Man's Probation Is Ceased
Shall Return To The Earth
For His Chosen, Faithful People ... As Welcoming King
For The Unrepentant, Unfaithful People ... As Frowning Judge!

There Is No Baby That Can Save Himself
No Baby That Can Save A Fallen World
No Baby That Can Judge Anybody
No Baby That Does Not Himself Need The Holy God!

The Idea Of A Baby King Jesus
Interceding, Saving, Blessing, Guiding Anyone
A Marked, And Fatal Delusion
Compliments (Bitter) Of 
Satan, That Wretched, Damned, Wannabe God-Fraud!

Babies Need Nurturing!
The Dead Know Nothing!
The Saved Go To Meet The Lord In The Air
After Having Been Aided Through The Mortal Strife!
The Lord Jesus Christ ... Once Dead, Alive Forevermore
At The Second Coming
Will Never Touch The Earth With His Feet
There Ain't No Baby Who Can Wield (Speak) A Two-Edged Sword
Nor Ride A Horse
Lead The Hosts Of Heaven
The Army Of God
When The Harvest Of The Earth Is Finally To Be Reaped!

Why, Why, Why, Dear Ones
Are We Who Are Called To Be Salt Of The Earth
Light In The Great Darkness
Allowing Charlatans, Seducers, Deceivers
To Tell Us What They "Believe" The Holy Bible Says To Us!?!

Isn't It Time That We, Ourselves
Purchased At Infinite Price
Being Wise Unto Soul Salvation
Dig Into The King James Bible For Ourselves
Seeking After The Hidden Treasure That
The Lord Jesus Christ
The Word Of God
The Only Begotten Son Of The Eternal God
The King Of Glory
The Creator God
The Savior Of Every Man
The Soon-Returning King
Has Seeded Therein For Us To Find!?!

Any Preacher, Teacher, Pastor, Priest, Pope
Who Encourages A Child Of God
To Reach Out And Touch A Known Lie
In The Hope That A Blessing Will Therefrom Fly
As One Who Should Be Cast Into The Sea
With A Millstone Around His Neck
For Willfully, Willingly, Unwisely
Maliciously Leading That Dear Soul Astray!
Jesus Christ, Himself, Said So!

There Is No Eternal Baby: Babies Grow Up ... Always!

If Our Lord Jesus Christ Is Still Dead
We Are All Dead
For Our Faith Is Seriously Displaced!

People Of The Living God,
Learn To Think For Yourselves!
There Are No Idiots
None Ill-Informed
None Mis-Directed
For Certain Sure
No Deceived Soul 
No Liar In The Living God's Holy Heaven!

A Baby Jesus-Savior 
A Fallacy
A Known Lie!
Let Not Satan Rob You Of Your Joy In Christ Jesus!
Let Your Prayers Be To The Father God
In The Name Of The Son Jesus Christ
Via The Agency Of The Holy Spirit ... Of Truth!

Something To Think About ...

Jesus Christ ... A Known Warrior
Came To Earth From Heaven ... As A Child
Worked, Died, Was Buried ... A Full-Grown Man
Being Jewish ... Had A Beard
And Thereafter
Being Called By His Father
Rose Up By Himself To Heaven
After Having Been Seen, Felt, And Heard
By His Own Disciples And Many Others
Is Suddenly In Heaven ... Before The Father
Interceding His Blood 
Which He, Obviously, Did Not Shed
- Which Is The Requirement For Our Salvation -
Hearing And Answering Prayers
As A Child ... A New-Born Baby!?!
Does A Baby Have Wisdom And Understanding!?!
Does A Baby Have Decision-Making Prowess!?!

Something Else To Think About  ...

Jesus Christ Came As A Baby
Went Through The Stages Of Human Existence
With The Stated Purpose
To Show Us How To Live
So That We Will Be Able To Become As He Is
That Is ... Not An Offence To The Father
Of Sin!
Can A Helpless Baby Be An Adult's Guide To Eternal Life!?!

Final Thought ...

If A Baby Was To Be Our Savior
The Father God Would Have Permitted
King Herod To Terminate Jesus' Life
When Herod Killed All The Babies 
- Two Years And Under -
As Per Prophecy:

Jesus Christ Grew Up ... To Adulthood
Is Our High Priest!
As Per Biblical Strictures
No Man May Become A Priest
Until The Age Of 30 Years!
Jesus Christ Started His Earthly Ministry
At The Ripe Old Age Of 30 Years!

A 30 Year Old Isn't A Baby
A Baby Can Never Be A Priest!

May The God Of All Grace
Have Mercy Upon Us
Who Truly Believe The Truth For This Age
Choose Not To Fall Away Unto Fables!

May The Holy Spirit Continue To Lead Us
Into All Truth
Guide And Chide Us As He Deems Fit!

1 comment:

  1. My Father Is All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Ever-Present, And Is Touched By The Feelings Of The Things That Trouble My Spirit: I Rest, Peacefully, In Him, Through Jesus Christ My Lord!


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